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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. crap...i feel bad...i help 1 of the most deepshit stupid retarded loladmins to open a server :(
  2. thats absolutely nothing try to remember to a bit more :D
  3. hes quite a huge noob. yeah play an area of effect...(Y) The rates he bring up and and the %/mob stats are huge bullshit and far from reality. About the greeks,russians,brazils etc...hes just retarded... About ppl beeing a hypocrite i dont see why its a freeking problem if someone is lie to himself in l2...who the hell cares anyway?
  4. that 30% in reality is like 0,30%...you see rpg-club holds more player than the whole il community.
  5. Well yes thats what i said many times before...ppl dont like gracia cause they dont know it...
  6. Thats indeed reality and its a good guess because servers where you have decent pack are well populated and just fine...
  7. I dont cry just commented your comment about l2dc we are in a free community so i can :)
  8. I dont talk about the server i talk about l2world class and concurrent hashmap :) You guys really should have a chat with nb4l1,stake or maybe mrpoke to get some sense about what you just used as a base pack :)
  9. ppl who buy such packs are know nothing about java so ye they are satisfied because they dont know what they just got. Look the only good thing in l2dc and im serious about this is the datapack...the core is a freeking mess and a useless copy of l2j sorry. If you really want to claim l2dc is a good project and now like all the rest than atleast delete the bugged features of l2j delete the useless classes and fix even the basics of the game such as l2world. No pun intended but l2dc is not as good as you think it is.
  10. If it would be that good than it would not cost 10-20€ also everyone write such things about their own pack but in realty half of them are true if you are lucky...
  11. atm i refer to noone it was Grisom and Noble in the past what like 2years or so. Peace is not equal with repromoting useless egomaniac wannabemods, or keep in staff mods who got promoted for spamming the report section to hell. Once you can understand that than peace can start to look over here too.
  12. What i tried to point out is until theres no server running with your pack you cant really have result :) PS.: the memory footprint can be lowered easily but dont be so high about the footprint key is runtime(thats why i said the servers) :)
  13. again the egomaniac useless piece of crap try to talk...seriously should i care whos better than who? Ask the freeking ppl how huge an epic fail archid is and just shut up for once in your life or just take some e-penis viagra and jerk of for beeing better than someone...idiot.
  14. If we talk about interlude specifically non of them is good and the soul reason for that is l2jserver. Its chain reaction...get a base which is mostly l2jserver and it sucks...now base your project on a shit pack and start fixing...at this point if the developers are skilled the pack end up beeing decent but because of the lack of reworks not end up beeing good...if the developers suck you end up well...beeing l2jarchid... If you want a good project in general than fill it up with your own work and i talk about even the basics of the software.
  15. Well thats true indeed but as i said i dont see any server running with it yet so :)
  16. dual core cpu,1gb ram,100mbit/sec net can give you ~100player without lagg for sure but can hold even more depends on the pack(i never seen servers with such packs hold more than 70 player so)
  17. always depends on the pack and the servers you can choose from...
  18. Depends on many many many things like cpu/net connection/ram/hdd speed as far as server pc goes and based on what you said thats shit in your case. Now after that comes the server packs quality which is bad because its from l2jserver in general no code standard,no performance,no clean code,no thread safety nothing. 20-30 is the measuring number for sure without lagg.
  19. when it was good it was mxc too now its not mxc its a kindergarden mixed with a zoo
  20. ohh than i just assumed from the other forks cause many other fork have similar shift+click sorry for that :)
  21. after some time yes but you think only in pvp server :)
  22. whats good in visual armor you have absolutely nothing to gain from it you just destroy the pvp experience and kill the fun in pve.
  23. Maxtor dont need to you think maxtor whos in charge? :) Theres always 1 gmod who pull strings when maxtor is off.
  24. Nope your wrong here. Think like a player... l2jframe: it allows me to create fancy htmls which i can do anyway with a notepad. visual armor: it allows me to have an imperial set that looks like a bw robe woah really usefull...if you think the way the armor looks increase your gameplay experience. l2jsaver: a bunch of copy paste from all over the internet and than moving it to closed source while the original codes still available for download really stupid isnt it? Hes just a wannabe who want to be the pr0 around he may have the skills but he definitely fail when it comes to brain,act,spine and brainstorming.
  25. And theres also a difference beetwen code and code there are usefull code and useless code the real diff is...the ones like leluche make useless codes because what they do is useless in realtime use and only made to increase their e-penis meanwhile the codes you can see eg commited in the forks are usefull codes because it gives you a distinct increase in gameplay exp.
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