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Everything posted by Intrepid

  1. The crisis was started from the USA thats true but it was not the USA who fucked up greece. A financial crisis is always bad but it affects only countrys that controlled by idiots if greece wouldnt have such a government than the financial crisis wouldnt even made a difference at all. Think before talk man your great will to be like Grisom is too much for you...
  2. We lowering the level of the topic while you and others the smart ones which i assume from your way of talking are raise the level of the topic right? Its weird because still the only thing you kids talk about is your paranoia nothing more. That prooves that you kids are just useless and pathetic for a human beeing. When people die doesnt matter where the ONLY thing people should care about is the fact that people getting mass killed and when mentioning it keeping that in mind. What you do instead?You talk about stupid useless paranoid bullshits about the USA. Just so you know there are no government thats full with angels every single country have issues like that even bigger ones sometimes than the USA(what you dont know doesnt mean its never happened). Please just for once in this freeking forum...instead of saying out loud how bad the USA is just think about the people who die there are shut up since you make a joke out of a whole countrys genocide... dont play the wannabe mod its worthless nobody will cobra im sure about that... PS.: Stop talking about iraq to proove your paranoia iraq is not libya and in libya the USA/EU do nothing more than attacking khadfi to stabilize the price of gasonline and benzin.
  3. you really should stop watching that much criminal type movies i laughed my ass off on this seriously xD
  4. Read the topic title please who the heck talk about iraq we talk about libya.
  5. you dont get it... What i was referring to is what you say in that subject is entirely as it is the biggest bullshit. If you would watch the video and with your words watch news you should know that khadfis army killing lybian citizens. The EU/USA is attacking khadfi so what are you talking about is a bunch of paradox. So you we should read news while you say that news tell fake information. If they would hate them so much they would just let them kill eachother... The problem is you see the "big evil monster" in USA even if usa have nothing to do with the subject at all and you forget about whats really going on. Thats like lets say the leader political group of greece start to go on rage and start a genocide for whatever reason, all the greek people start a riot the EU/USA go there to help the ones who want to get rid of the leader group...and than you the almighty one comes in and say "usa is bad its 100% because of they want our resources" instead of saying "crap that group killed a lot of ppl they should go". Thats the difference beetwen a brainwashed paranoid asshole and a human.
  6. I think its pathetic tho the only thing i see "ohh usa is the devil they want oil"... watch this video and get some sense into the head of yours its the usa who pull the trigger... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yq0ZS8sYV7U&skipcontrinter=1
  7. even on youtube you can watch videos where khadafis army kill ppl and many many ppl still talk about oil only pathetic isnt it?
  8. You think you surely okay but it seems you lie to yourself...really...
  9. Ohh come on you kids should really get some reality pills... Think with logic if you have some...lets say that the usa stimulated those revolts why would they the price of gasoline and benzin are at the highest hights which is not good for all of us. Also thats not like you said thats like you kill 10ppl with your stupidity(alredy happened)and the ones who cant stand your stupidity go against you and i just join in helping them since its good for me too. Also rebels are ppl from libya some went abroad some stayed there but its the same libyan ppl. The reason why the USA and the EU attacked khadfi is simple because its not good for anyone if theres a war over there and it should stop asap.
  10. whole europe attacks them and not the ppl but khadfi who should be killed for genocide...
  11. man...it was your stupidity which cause you that...think about it...thats like you give me 18€ and i will give 25€ its just dont make sense... he scammed you because you were stupid. PS.: dont pm me with ban this ban that cause only maxtor have ban priv.
  12. lol so what 80% of mxc shares are leeched anyway...
  13. Leeching topics by that you mean leeching shares or creating a leecher forum?
  14. sorry kid but you have serious paranoia there... lybia dont get attacked by the USA just so you know...retarded ppl shouldnt talk about serious subject...
  15. beeing VIP doesnt mean you can do anything you want...it doesnt matter...
  16. i say that to know the good classes on an il server you need to know 1st how deepshit bugged the server is...
  17. The most bugged one i would try how deepshit bugged the server is
  18. they use windows and?administration is the same you freeking idiot... 1st of all you ALWAYS need to restart the pc after a kernel update the rest is personal preference... 2nd of all it depends on ppl since there are times when you need services to come back properly and not just by turning things on off and to that you need to restart it. 3rd of all if something is connected to something like libc and you update it you cant unload it from the memory so you need a restart. Not to mention init modifications...anyway you ALWAYS need to run a reboot if you want a stable system after atleast each update because it can contain a kernel update, you always need to restart it after editing an init related script and you always need to restart it when you change/update something that the memory handler cant unload from the memory on the fly. Think before you open your mouth kid.
  19. than every single soul in ncsoft is stupid because they do a weekly maintaince...please just dont reply you know nothing about administration...
  20. And because of its linux you shouldnt take care of the maintaince?thats stupid...
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