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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Nu mai folosi translator, roaga-l pe CrystaliN sa iti traduca, ne futi topicu asa.
  2. Daca vrei trimit o mobra pe pacura dupa tine.
  3. Pretty cool if you ask me.
  4. vi ma pula in Yemen odata ? ;D
  5. Primu a fost: Nu te mintii, stii, femeia ideala e iubirea ta actuala si curva lui de aseara. Acum: Cheia sufletului ei e cheaia lui de la BMW.
  6. Well, i wish you good luck dude. Maybe i will play with some friends here. Le: fixed.
  7. they cant wait..
  8. comming with some beers and two chicks at airport.
  9. ;) Adn suveran din subteran
  10. shes cooking for me
  11. ye men, come
  12. duno, just arrived. Eh wait, with one euro you can buy 10 beers.
  13. went to ye men
  14. and venty2k
  15. thats emo
  16. piese ce rup mui
  17. ai de plm, le-am spart pe astea cu statusu :))
  18. lumea vorbeste, sper ca asta macar sa imi ridice cota printre tafe car vor peste
  19. I dont find anything useful in smoking..about drinking alchool, i agree.
  20. e strada stramba si merg pa langa si dracu umbla, traim in jungla
  21. when i will learn i will make one with me :D
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