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Everything posted by Raule

  1. install it again ?
  2. ;o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Obawsc9_t2g&feature=related
  3. dava-n plm ca abea scrieti Psaico ia si manca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v17EKKjzNYo&feature=related
  4. aditule ce mai face a noastra ?
  5. i have a little carie or how the heck is spelled in inglis
  6. gata, changed to ADN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-nZho6ctoc
  7. hurts
  8. not now..my teeeeeeeeeeeth
  9. veritasaga - multe ce merge cand te doare maseaua
  10. gr tags ? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=145460.0
  11. i know it already.
  12. you can give me some tuts though :P
  13. Hadnt time..i will start today prolly.
  14. alistar stop posting your bling bling link, im bored to chat ban you.
  15. bookmarked
  16. i've tried some months ago but i failed. I will try again, hope no " insert coin " needed.
  17. eh i will start learning c walk too
  18. De unde plm sa tin eu minte? nu puteai sa pui Crystalin ? :|
  19. nu nu. E facemrecords tarfo, e sunetu padurii
  20. nu nu. E facemrecords tarfo, e sunetu padurii
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