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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Actually he's return true.
  2. wai ?
  3. sing this
  4. He meant grass
  5. You sing me an ADN song i will pay.
  6. care ii traduceti lu ventic ma ?
  7. =)) mata aia care se fute pentru un blid de jumere =)))))))))
  8. Dute-n pula mea de bulangiu.
  9. what time is it ?
  10. Huat?!?!?!
  11. huat ?
  12. I cant, srsly. tatato ala care merge la bordel, scoate femeia afara si se rezolva singur.
  13. DId he leeched something ?
  14. I have some guests, plus i msut prepare myself for partyyyyyyyyyyy
  15. Sa te frec la mandule. btw: sa mi-o bagi in cur = fuck you
  16. And i thought the mini signature would be like 100x50.
  17. You can make announcemets because they've fixed it and now its client sided.
  18. so what ?
  19. I bet you were dreaming about developing a new armor :P
  20. View IPs used by StrawPirates Most recent IP address: IPs used in messages: IPs used in error messages: (None) Members possibly in the same range: TåxiåŘxiṦ Your account TåxiåŘxiṦ is banned for 7 days. And if you make one more thread i will ban it forever.
  21. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51932.0
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