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Everything posted by Raule

  1. k
  2. plm discutam despre aia tzoulia sau cum o cheama
  3. Yesterday joined, it's just awesome.
  4. io acu am ajuns
  5. Raule


    translate both replies..
  6. Psaico ia si manca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvLpwKbnWpw
  7. I agree with Gozilla.
  8. atat au curaju'.
  9. he has 3 posts oO?
  10. zale traim ca-n brooklyn
  11. o stiu. Asculta ce pacat ca nu voi sti
  12. Even if it was a bump, its a share.
  13. io am plecat la fotbal
  14. give has two senses. Hit and give.
  15. you didnt get it. no hh in your blood or what ?
  16. I will give them two hands for each, so they can applaud me.
  17. come on dude i want karma !! dude srsly now, you dont remember those replies " karma plz stiki etc" it was just for fun.. i dont need karma.
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