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Everything posted by Raule

  1. That was really offtopic, next time i will smite you.
  2. Doc e in borcan, trage Scapat de sub control.
  3. Cel mai prost geniu ?
  4. hai ca io ies, vorovim maine ca-s obosit.
  5. Dariuse face flotari si face muschi la picioare :))
  6. plm, am maine teza la romana 2 ore :|
  7. Bai de cand ascult Nixon si tot nu ma satur.
  8. unde dracu ca nu il vad
  9. ba el e, il cunosc.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcBByJEeRoM facemrecords
  11. http://www.youtube.com/user/InginerAforea#p/u/0/BcBByJEeRoM
  12. Yeah, plus exploits are going fixed everyday lmao.
  13. Two simple things: 1)Most of users dont give feedback 2) Who the heck gonna try all exploits and give feedback?
  14. hahaha
  15. No, maybe if you find some exploits.
  16. haha oh god ce flow poa sa aiba subspate.
  17. Psaico Subsapte - nixon 2012 army
  18. crystaline ia ce titlu :))
  19. aia-s greci, tre cu web sau cu noble.
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