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Everything posted by Raule

  1. I left ;D
  2. no greek, smitted.
  3. astea baga FAKE-URI SI PE HAIFAIV
  4. ok..i go enchant the armor
  5. ll calm down..what they won? nothing. Neither fame, some of us still thinks boys sig is better.
  6. vago ia si manca
  7. You should edit your title like this: The Best Signatures for me(that i like).
  8. Dude, you're sure you've deleted the whole system before add the new system? You can go to Tools> Folder Options> Shown hidden - maybe you have some hidden files there.
  9. Something more, do you want us(mods) to install the server's patch in your pc too ? >:( Locked.
  10. Why should we care, lol, everyone one has his right to advertise, pay to be sticky. The easiest way is, test it by yourself.
  11. Sorry, i dont trust those links. I have already this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=69451.0
  12. No no. 1)This is a good way to earn money. 2) We dont care about your server. 3)Just join and test it by yourself, everyone has another type of preferences.
  13. You pay, your server gets sticky. Plus, we've forbidden some of the preconfigured packs. We cant join in all servers and decide wich server must get sticky.
  14. It is a ADVERTISING section, not wich servers are better, lol. None forces you to join..just enter in the topic, watch for feedbacks etc.
  15. peace or piece?
  16. Have you read the section's rules ?
  17. ca doar nu din buletin :))
  18. 8 bit quality.
  19. io nuschiu daschia
  20. schimba-ti numele!!!!!!!!!
  21. Ma kidzor schimbati in pana mea numele.
  22. i just log to loose the time..
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