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Legendary Member
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Everything posted by Raule

  1. "beat-uri comerciale imi sunt egale cu manele dau din cur pe ambele, adica ma cac pe ele" OKN
  2. ne doare-n pula, tre sa te doara si pe tine..
  3. ye go and smoke your brain
  4. Pai am jucat cs pana mi-am bagt pula in ei de " hackeri " si m-am lasat.
  5. later
  6. eu ziceam l2 ma ;D nu joc cs.
  7. ma bag si io si mai cativa prieteni daca faci srv
  8. I was jokin lol. nice pussy with lipstick, the bling bling and pinky ring is missing.
  9. omg, these sigs sux hard. iz the girl from Eurotrip?
  10. bine, ti-ai gasit gm.
  11. no, logging later or monday
  12. si joci numa tu? sau server serios?
  13. i have armor +7, jwl +7 and no weapon, just logged out :D
  14. not my fault
  15. i btol you stay away and hit with bow..
  16. because of we win, i was stunning, aggro all.
  17. merge sa jociacolo m2-3 ore pe sapyamana
  18. i thought to ban him forever.
  19. bling bling
  20. flamming, because of his long hair.
  21. chucky, ventic are in your clan?
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