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Everything posted by Raule

  1. I logged 2-3 hours dude, what do you expect?
  2. i have set +7, jwls +7, weapon +18..
  3. everyone has its own preferences.
  4. lol..i will bother coolis for items, i brought some people :D
  5. te bat-man ;D
  6. nu ma..am venit pe la 5 de la italianu', am dormit pana la 10 upaia m-am dus la forbal si acu am venit..plm cand o sa am timp si chef..
  7. why you didnt tld me there is crystal scrolls i was breaking all :|
  8. te fac ca mata ?
  9. ba chucky i have bow +18
  10. inseamna ca ti-ai pierdut viriginitatea
  11. No. Thats from the server side. Server side protection cannot be bypassed.
  12. inspira sunetu-n stern prin cuve cu ZEN hai striga ferm " noi nu vrem curve-n guvern!"
  13. hai c-am plecat la o bere
  14. stiu toate piesele.
  15. some samples from naturo
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