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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Vreau sa ridicam mana la orice ora..sa strigam spam tata
  2. Spam Tata, noi ii zicem spam tata, spam tata, sar astia din topic tata!
  3. :happyforever:
  4. :happyforever:
  5. :happyforever:
  6. :troll:
  7. yo u are
  8. Raule


    da le-ai vandut la fier vechi :troll:
  9. :okey:
  10. Raule


    ahah nob y u remember "eat shit and die"? :happyforever:
  11. site been online since 2004. ANd they still paying but not worth investing anymore cause they have some problems. ANd all money programs when having problems they shut down.
  12. Add Raule to Administrators and your blog will be first link on google onn your niche. Thats SEO.
  13. e ok ba coloarea se poarta flacara violet
  14. i vote for coi admin justice
  15. :happyforever:
  16. :happyforever:
  17. Anonim intreaba: Va rog frumos, am nevoie de raspuns urgent! Acum cateva zile prietena mi-a spus ca vrea sa o leg de pat si sa-i leg gura ca sa nu poata vorbi.Mi-a zis ca o sa ma lase "sa ma joc".Am facut asta si apoi mi-am dat drumul la Metin2 (sunt lvl67 si mai am putin si fac 68). Acum a inceput sa se agite si sa scoata sunete ca si cum ar incerca sa spuna ceva.Ce sa fac? Nu vreau sa ma despart de ea
  18. nevamor
  19. :happyforever:
  20. y u no SEO?
  21. nob centic :happyforever:
  22. locked
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