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Everything posted by Raule

  1. Raule


  2. y u all slip? :okey:
  3. 1: Most Popular User : Psomas 2: Funnier User : Fortuna 3: Active User : Setekefgth 4: Spammer : Nobeo Romeo 5: Top Shares : - Remeo 6: Most trolling : 7: Most Hated : Dev 8: Most loved : ventics girlfriend 9: Most Missed :Crystalin 10: Most loved moderator : Justice
  4. :okey:
  5. Raule


  6. :happyforever:
  7. y u no recognise y u a e-whore :-beep- yeah: :troll:
  8. y u n ogirl
  9. :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  10. is one of the main personalities in the Book of Esther in the Hebrew Bible. He was the son of Jair, of the tribe of Benjamin :happyforever: y u weak history :good sir:
  11. :happyforever: im addicted more to PErson OF Interest :-beep- yeah:
  12. Not worth opening a lineage 2 server :okey: romeo will ddos it :okey:
  13. i uaci the hobbit
  14. :not bad:
  15. nu mi se pare nu stiu ce :alone:
  16. :gusta:
  17. ye, let me start my chainsaw, if it will not work, i will light the fire :happyforever:
  18. Y u troll w/o me? :alone: Ormeo is so hairy, when he was born, doctors told to his mother: "Congrats, you've given birth to a carpet" :troll:
  19. Raule


  20. Raule


    Whats so funny you nobs? everyone faps, even girls.
  21. Desprind pleoapele incep sa simt cum vibreaza timpu Razele de soare imi lumineaza chipu E o noua zi in care, tintesc infinitu Clipesc, ma simt chiar bine fiindca ma suprinde Imi regasesc energia-n mine, simt cum ma cuprinde Plin de aer curat in fata, e dimineata.. Friguroasa, ma uit la cer Doamne ce zi frumoasa. Mintea riguroasa imi dicteaza ce sa scriu Constiinta ce sa stiu Fiinta ce sa fiu Inima imi dicteaza sa iubesc Ratiunea sa gandesc Cel de sus sa nu pacatuiesc Si sufletu mi-e firesc dezaxat Dar zambesc detasat, cand plutesc relaxat Cand privesc timpu in ceas, aud un simplu glas: Pana si cel mai lung drum incepe doar cu-n singur pas. In fiecare zi privesc destinul meu cu aceeasi duritate Dar zambesc cu aceeasi puritate Nu stau in obscuritate Ma feresc de bezna Nu-s deznadejduit, am pasit chiar si amortit la glezna Nu ma opresc, nadajduiesc sa vorbesc despre stele Ce vor urca pe cerul poeziei mele Telu' profetiei grele Am energia cosmica insamantata-n mine Perfectiunea inmagazinata-n rime Am intelepciunea inzestrata-n mine, indesata bine Simt puterea intesata-n vene Vreau sa uit de durerea din cuvantu' a iubi Caci am dobandit puterea de a zambi As gandi ca cineva de sus ma iubeste ma priveste, cum ai privi un copil cum creste
  22. yes :lied:
  23. Legendaries, must have priv to edit/delete replies from their own topic :good sir: We supposed to be here even beore some new users been born, so we are trustworthy. All legendaries except Romero because he's saks :happyforever:
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