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Everything posted by Raule

  1. y u fafap eachother? :okey:
  2. :happyforever:
  3. :okey:
  4. Raule

    I want them

    y u no gusta?
  5. :alone:
  6. :happyforever:
  7. ceva de relaxare
  8. :happyforever:
  9. :happyforever:
  10. :happyforever:
  11. is forever alone acuma :alone: :not bad:
  12. breakup :okey: need vodka :happyforever:
  13. :happyforever:
  14. :happyforever:
  15. Raule

    I want them

    couldnt find :okey:
  16. nob romeo y u so saks
  17. :happyforever:
  18. for 4$ paypal asap :okey: i need fast :happyforever:
  19. Raule


    my brain :-beep- yeah:
  20. :okey:
  21. Raule

    I want them

    :alone: :okey:
  22. Pa pa l' romericano
  23. pa palala romericano :happyforever:
  24. Raule

    I want them

    stop being so serious - esti doar un fir de praf in spatiu Now ontopic y u no tell em a store to buy them?
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