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Everything posted by Raule

  1. si tu cu muzica house :poker face:
  2. you are transparent, no excision needed.
  3. :happyforever:
  4. :okey: because we dont play l2 anymore, or some os dont play any games at all anymore.
  5. when i was trolling peeps like you, you were walking standing up under a car.
  6. am facut in total 6 ore de condus :D mi-a zis instructoru ca cica iau din prima :)) GOd hear you
  7. im too old for this
  8. pe e-drpciv is fix ca la examen
  9. tomorrow my first professional table tennis arrives
  10. intra si fa 5 chestionare ma.
  11. Raule


    go 2:03
  12. Raule


  13. pe e-drpciv dupa 4 sau 5 chestionare iti apare ca tre sa platesti ca sa mai faci chestionare.
  14. Raule


    0:19 What you say? he's 16 y.o
  15. :okey:
  16. you finally grew up
  17. finally someone flamed intrepid
  18. tu zici de mediu de invatare, nu chestionare
  19. says the coder
  20. ce sigur esti pe tine
  21. da cum ai facut asa multe ca nu poti numa vreo 5, tre sa platesti. Oricum daca faci punctajele alea, pici 100%
  22. pe e-drpciv?
  23. The subtitles must be wrown, i dont understand what they are saying.
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