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Everything posted by Raule

  1. nu le mai raspunde.
  2. da
  3. half of mxc users were moderators
  4. cedry2k era. cel mai bun e Kazi Ploae in momentul de fata.. pentru ca ADN s-a lasat: s-a apucat de chestii mai serioase (Fondator Tedx Vienna -http://www.tedxvienna.at/about/)
  5. sure
  6. dont care
  7. Here is a pic from her facebook he gave me some time ago, this is how she look: http://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.cloudliv.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/5223013_371023452991370_522301357_n.jpgb
  8. poate daca faceai la o scoala privata
  9. y u like DT?
  10. whos the girl in yoiur sig
  11. dafuq https://www.facebook.com/paun.madalina94/photos
  12. dafuq https://www.facebook.com/paun.madalina94/photos
  13. :happyforever:
  14. las ca o sa vezi la faa locului..
  15. set_gravity 999 or how the heck it was
  16. Verva scheletica in cautarea colapsului spre linistea din piesele lui Dali Dar salvatorii mei aduc moarte in fata regretului de a fi altfel
  17. Legendary member - moderate your own topic p.s changing forum's ranks wont bring activity.
  18. I don’t never have to prove who I am Cause anybody know me know that I’m a ruthless man
  19. RandomDUde: how to you moderate mxc if you are dead Maxtor: i dont moderate. RandomDude: but you are really dead Maxtor: no im not, i feel fine Randomdude: but you are all bone Maxtor: its a flesh wound
  20. pentru proba de condus
  21. cat e spaga pentru oras la tine?
  22. epic
  23. your mom so poor pigeons feed her crumbs
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