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Everything posted by Raule

  1. nob happyviolince
  2. i was looking for her cameltoe :happyforever:
  3. :okey:
  4. :okey:
  5. nob intrepid you still arguing on mxc? arguing with people on mxc its like hitting a piece of shit
  6. dafuq
  7. Raule


    Look the background https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=125947227611737&set=vb.314080451968251&type=2&theater ahahahha
  8. :not bad:
  9. Raule

    irish music

  10. air freshener
  11. 15 :happyforever: wait 2 years more :okey:
  12. from my balls, they are too big
  13. fa ba mediu de invatare o sa vezi ca o sa faci numa 25/26
  14. fa mediu de invatare
  15. 26, timp ramas 27:59 plm vedem la examen cum o fi..ca aici daca gresesc nu e nimic, in timpu examenului e altceva..
  16. cate un chestionar mic sa pun sala pa cric
  17. kider64 esti moderator pe filelist?
  18. azi are concert Mandinga la mine in oras( rar concerte la noi in metropola de 8k locuitori) si ma doare-n pula, nu merg. Daca venea Florin Salam imi luam o ruda de salam si ceream un autograf...
  19. no
  20. :forever alone like a boss:
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