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Everything posted by Artemis37

  1. the server is on or?
  2. You want to share a pack and you dont have any information? Great....
  3. Yeah, just happen to me right now. I needed to refresh the page to fix it...
  4. Wait, which acis rev u have?
  5. If the cores are 1 or 2 its normal to have lag event with 8gb ram. It recommended to have 4 cores min.
  6. Can you give more info? Which chronicle, do you use any custom interface?
  7. What is included? - All website files html, css, js - Pages: Index, Features, Downloads, Donate Price: 30eur Automatic Payment: Buy now Video Demo Preview
  8. Discount till 31.03.2024 - Price:13 EUR
  9. Coming soon more templates SCROLL DOWN TO SEE MORE TEMPLATES! Websites are created with only HTML, CSS, JS. What is included? - All website files html, css, js - Pages: Index, Features, Downloads, Donate (Optional can add more) - Instructions how to edit/add more info (Newbie friendly) Inspired from L2Era template: Price: 20eur Buy automatic: Click here Preview
  10. Your website is hurting my eyes. If the project looks like the website .. Idk bro.
  11. @Celestine can you check what is going on with the prefixs?
  12. I'm searching the icons for all monster weapons like: halisha, lady's fan, dreadbane and etc. If someone have it pls write me.
  13. So please fix your prefix on the title because it's saying High Five
  14. A lot of information but you didn't write on which chronicle will be the server.
  15. Maybe you didn't click on the right spot? Sometimes is little tricky for small textures.
  16. Enchant skill button is working or its bugged like the other essence interfaces?
  17. Great server! Waiting for it!
  18. I still can't believe that there are ppl still buying crappy files from "developers".
  19. The author of the video can. Just find him in the forum.
  20. Your npc need to be Merchant. I don't know which pack you use so it can be L2Merchant or Merchant. Place the NPC ID to Merchant folder. This should solve your problem. <set name="type" value="Npc" />
  21. You need to add your price list. I'm telling you before any of the mods see your post.
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