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Everything posted by dayvi

  1. Does it work with the latest version of firefox?
  2. It looks like cod4, but cant be better cause cod4 is the best game ever :D
  3. Could be an old game called "The sum of all fears" it was really good.
  4. jaajajaja pliz dont make post like this again, this is spam >>
  5. thanksss i needed this, great job.
  6. Thanks for this info, i need it for my own server ^^
  7. Nice job bro, thanks for share.
  8. Pavarotti - Figgaro ^^
  9. dayvi

    Fav song(s)...

    Man i love While your lips are still red...
  10. I agree with all reviews, google crome is the fastest web browser
  11. c'mon men the easy way is use Cia Comannder and bb pass ^^
  12. It doesn't work on l2off interlude,...maybe l2j.
  13. Don't work in my server interlude l2off... i guess in some l2j.
  14. Awesome nice share i will try it now xD
  15. Thanks for share bro i need it for bot ^^
  16. Nice work xD, ill try it in my own server thanks for share
  17. I will try it in some private server ^^, thanks for share
  18. hahhaa y love when i one shot everyone and all people strat crying xD, btw thanks for share.
  19. Nice share bro...i will try in my own server.
  20. Duelist is the more balanced char in l2...u only need a bit of practice and u will own.
  21. Thanks for this usefull information ^^
  22. Don't work for me..maybe my isp -.-
  23. Oh my god i got owned (70).... :S
  24. Thanks for share m8, i will try it later ^^.
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