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Everything posted by scoorpi

  1. Other question: what is the best setup aoe party at 80lvls, 4 chars for the fastest adena/exp. And what area?
  2. How many % of cpu speed we will get if we disable all options?
  3. lol. nice share xD
  4. respekt, nice share
  5. sumoner... arcana lord or elemental master
  6. Nice guide thx
  7. www.lineage.ro - Dexternet Dex x4 server - there is about 7k players online~ Wrath x12 server - 3k~
  8. that graphic is like a engine from unreal1
  9. u didn't never heard? ;p
  10. I dont like it becouse at sieges u fight no only with players but with bots too ;/
  11. starcraft 2 will be at dezember 2008
  12. One of the best games ever
  13. i played it. It have realistic car driving mode.
  14. How it's about a clan system- Mean fights/sieges..?
  15. guitar hero... rofl....that same u can click on the keyobard -.- making money on kids only.. ;d
  16. 5gb ram, 6 ghz is needed? :D
  17. too long, all kinds will grow up and who will play it? ^.-
  18. That is impossible.
  19. Hmm, so,- se will be much better then cov? -faster mobs pulling (with cov -speed) -vr on pow
  20. Hi. I'm playing on full c6 off server, rates x4. I play with my friend. Dual box is allowed (2acc on pc) so we can open 4 boxes. We have chars: WL 47 WL 47 SPOIL 49 WC 47 SE 55 BD 58 SWS 68 and we have money for all top grades types (witout Sg ;p) We want grow up wc to vampiric 2, then change from se on him. So will be party: WL WL SE BD Guys u have any useful tips for aoe farming? What is the best places for aoe without catas at any lvls? How many mobs we can pull later (examply on 80)? Can we farm in it/fog later? What is the best setup aoe party for 4 chars? Maybe do it with destro/spoil?
  21. piece of sh11t 4 me
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