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  1. you can find the method on isGM die.
  2. @tensador27 with this ThreadPool.java player will not teleported ..you need to use ThreadPoolManager options to work perfectly..i got stacked many times .. What i did : replace all : ThreadPool.schedule( with :ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral( and all : ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(() with : ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(() also you need to add this : com/l2jfrozen/gameserver/model/actor/knownlist/ObjectKnownList.java =========================================== @Override public void run() { if (_obj != null) { _obj.getKnownList().updateKnownObjects(); } } } + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + public final <A> Collection<A> getKnownType(Class<A> type) + { + List<A> result = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (L2Object obj : _knownObjects.values()) + { + if (type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) + result.add((A) obj); + } + return result; + } + + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + public final <A> Collection<A> getKnownTypeInRadius(Class<A> type, int radius) + { + List<A> result = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (L2Object obj : _knownObjects.values()) + { + if (type.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass()) && Util.checkIfInRange(radius, getActiveObject(), obj, true)) + result.add((A) obj); + } + return result; + } } also consuming of items on party dungeon needs fix, it first take the itemid and then it tell u ,u need party.https://ibb.co/zb5wbW5
  3. -Hello folks ! -I am facing a problem with collisions(radius, height) of females chars ,they seems like they flying. -picture here-> https://ibb.co/gzmkQkK -Collisions are taken from navicat table CharTemplates. - i tried several things to fix that but without success! -i post here few codes .if someone can help will be greatful! -gameserver/sql/datatable/charTemplateTable (from sql) -> https://pastebin.com/vvQaXqjP -gameserver/templates/L2PcTemplate -> https://pastebin.com/bx88VGKR -gameserver/templates/L2CharTemplate -> https://pastebin.com/RbsKc5rQ -gameserver/model/actor/appearance/PcAppearance.java -> https://pastebin.com/pkSJGVgm -gameserver/model/base/Sex.java -> https://pastebin.com/qDUgcW9P .. i tried to do secondary collisionHeight and radius . because as u see in charTemplateTable is only m_col_h and m_col_r and take getSex() method for each of them . but server not even opened. i did many things but without success... Thanks in advance!! * If someone have an l2jfrozen project fixed and can send it , i will find the fix! Closest pack i found was l2jhellas but charStats was with xml.
  4. hello,any help is welcome ,you can also post right here and i will update topic . I had uploaded the system with dsetup .
  5. if(Config.ENABLE_PVP_FEATURES && isInsideZone(ZoneId.CUSTOMPVP) ) { pvpReward(); }
  6. i dont know what else to think, i need to fix females collisions(height and radius) , i find other packs to search for fix but without success :/ . i am struggling 1week with this s**t
  7. radius was fine , males and females have so small difference in radius, even change 7 with 10 will be totally fine actually isnt fixed.. it reversed ,now m_col_h isnt work :/
  8. the i see that ,but other races females are totally fine
  9. hello i have a problem with elf's height.. Elf females are flying Heights are corrects into database, but when i change the F_COL_H ,females height doesnt change at all as it should be. When i change M_COL_H change both height (males,females) and females are not flying but males boots are inside ground(i hope u understand) photos of navicat(elf fighter class is in the circle), male and female elf fighter ~> https://imgur.com/a/xnhjz6P java~> charTemplateTable any help how to fix ?:/ EDIT: Does anyone know how to get method : getSex apperiance so i can change the code to : if(sex==0) { set.set("collision_radius", rset.getDouble("m_col_r")); set.set("collision_height", rset.getDouble("m_col_h")); } else { set.set("collision_radius", rset.getDouble("f_col_r")); set.set("collision_height", rset.getDouble("f_col_h")); }
  10. i believe that you insert a code into attack method and do it wrong and caused this. as example: crazy stats event
  11. if it happens in tournament then it can happend also in any situation
  12. ok ,if is that you understand ok. i can't find another way to explain.
  13. You have to understand that i do it to HELP & not to harm, noone shares for l2jfrozen , if you can do it go a-head and i will wait for your fixed code. Mate i just adapt the code ,that's all see my main topic post~> NOT TESTED for online server + if someone find code incomplete help to improve. All i saying is that you could help .
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