hello i have a problem with elf's height..
Elf females are flying
Heights are corrects into database, but when i change the F_COL_H ,females height doesnt change at all as it should be.
When i change M_COL_H change both height (males,females) and females are not flying but males boots are inside ground(i hope u understand)
photos of navicat(elf fighter class is in the circle), male and female elf fighter ~> https://imgur.com/a/xnhjz6P
java~> charTemplateTable
any help how to fix ?:/
EDIT: Does anyone know how to get method : getSex apperiance so i can change the code to :
set.set("collision_radius", rset.getDouble("m_col_r"));
set.set("collision_height", rset.getDouble("m_col_h"));
set.set("collision_radius", rset.getDouble("f_col_r"));
set.set("collision_height", rset.getDouble("f_col_h"));