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BALENCIAGA last won the day on April 6 2023

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  1. Topic Updated !
  2. u will have to fix onscreendamage script on interface.u if u dont have the source code then there isnt any other way
  3. the position of the critical is not on interface.xdat but on interface.u so u will have to make some edits and experiment through interface.u
  4. this interface is not encrypted on the other hand, its obfuscated and i dont think someone will sit and restore the whole code for free since it takes a lot of time
  5. Hello, this interface.xdat doesnt have any custom encryption it was encrypted with encdec...Here you go! https://dropmefiles.com/15zQw
  6. Hello everyone, since many players asked me i decided to make a "simple" skillgrp for L2Etina x50 and share it to the community! What it includes? - Changed Heal Animation to Body Of Avatar - Removed Overlord Debuff and buff animations - Changed mage aoe animations from RETAIL to Wind Shackle - Added Overlord Buff Icons ** Players that want something more advanced can check out this post:** DOWNLOAD LINK
  7. -Added OL Debuff circles -Changed Hydro Blast Water Animation to Blue Ball (you can choose if u want ball or water - IT WILL COME WITH ONE EXTRA FILE) -Changed Prominence Animation to Orange Ball(you can choose if u want ball or retail - IT WILL COME WITH ONE EXTRA FILE) -Added Necro Banes circles -Changed OL Buff Icons -Removed OL buff animations -Changed all heals to Body Of Avatar animation -Added On Head Cele/Guts/Frenzy/Zealot/Snipe/Ultimate Evasion/Ultimate Defense/Angelic Icon/Mystic Immunity animation -Changed all mage aoe animation to wind shackle **UPDATE** -Added FOI Animation -Adapted Aura Flash/Aura Flare/Aura Bolt animations from interlude to reduce FPS drops in mass fights! IMAGES: https://imgur.com/a/uOgNugb Price: 40€ Payment method: Paypal(Friends and family only) Discord: balenciaga__
  8. @xZEUSx check ur pms i can probably help you
  9. you will need to adapt them from interlude to the client u are playing by adding them to lineageskilleffect.u (if the client u are using doesnt use skill.usk) doing that is a whole other story which is very difficult and few ppl can actually do it. The Image u have there is from my post and it took me a lot of time and i had a lot of help in order to learn how to adapt it
  10. -Added OL Debuff circles -Added Necro Banes circles -Changed OL Buff Icons -Removed OL buff animations -Changed all heals to Body Of Avatar animation -Added On Head Cele/Guts/Frenzy/Zealot/Snipe/Ultimate Evasion/Ultimate Defense animation -Changed all mage aoe animation to wind shackle -Can add buffs of ur choice to appear as debuff Price: 30€ Payment method: Paypal(Friends and family only) Discord: BALENCIAGA#8160
  11. trusted seller + good files played there some seasons GL with the sales
  12. +rep... trusted and very helpful guy 100% recommend him !
  13. it will be hard to find someone that will give u his source code for w/e he creates but gl tho....try asking @xDarkDelux or @Celestine
  14. doesnt 388 protocol have random craft ?
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