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Everything posted by maxex

  1. Its gonna rock.
  2. I played the beta. Seems nice but still L2 is better.
  3. 2011 ??? A long, long wait.
  4. Comming soon CoD 25 >:(
  5. Great game, but the expansions sucked.
  6. Starcraft 2 :o
  7. Great game. Im looking forward to the next PoP too.
  8. Destro rules, but only on frenzy+zealot. Imo SK is a great char with many useful skills, good for tanking and damage dealing too.
  9. No pks, I make sin eater :P
  10. Ol/mage will be great imo.
  11. A grade - Tallum or majestic. Lionheart>stun&sleep&root.
  12. Its /useforceskill, isnt it?
  13. 12k on full buffs. Scary.
  14. What is mutant?
  15. Female Windrider is cute, but Adventurer is the strongest.
  16. Female PR is pimp. And pimp>all ;D
  17. Best option.
  18. Titan, Glad, ES. A lot of chars are strong on oly if played right.
  19. Alien Vs Predator 1. One of the best fpss ever and you can crap your pants when some alien jumps on you.
  20. Starcraft, Warcraft 3, HoMM 3&4.
  21. Kotor 1 isnt bad, very far from Fallout and Baldurs Gate, but still worth playing. Kotor 2 is pure crap.
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