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About borinet

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    Korea - South

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  1. Hello. I would like to turn the Monastery Of Silence area into a PVP zone. Is there a simple way to obtain coordinates within the dungeon?
  2. Hello, I want to disable the infinite loop function of macros. I've tried looking for it on the Java server side, but it seems to be missing, and it looks like I might need to make modifications on the client side. The client version is Etina's Fate - Seven Signs EU 152, and the server pack is L2J-Mobius Classic Seven Signs. I would like to disable right-clicking on macros registered in shortcuts, as shown in the screenshot below. Please provide a Discord invitation link, and I will join to discuss further. Payment via PayPal is possible.
  3. Hello~ What is Active AntiCheat, and where can I purchase it? I am currently using SmartGuard. Can they be used together? Thank you~~
  4. I'm not referring to that. I want to prevent infinite looping when right-clicking on a macro. Please refer to the screenshot below. Thank you. Etina's Fate - Seven Signs EU Protocol 152 client. L2J-Mobius Classic Seven Signs
  5. Hello, There are players using macros to perform actions similar to auto-hunting. How can I prevent macros from running infinitely? The version is Classic Seven Signs.
  6. Thank you Orochy
  7. Can I get the ip using httpservletrequest? or Servlet String externalIp = ""; try { final URL autoIp = new URL("http://ip1.dynupdate.no-ip.com:8245/"); try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(autoIp.openStream()))) { externalIp = in.readLine(); } } catch (IOException e) { } player.sendMessage("Your IP address is " + externalIp); I tried this. But this outputted the server's ip. Is it possible to outputted the user's ip?
  8. Hello. I'm using cloudflare. Something went wrong. The user's IP is not correct. Is it possible to get the user's Real IP?
  9. bots_prevention_v1.1.diff Link is broken..
  10. Hello. What's strix guard?
  11. lordfire9000 is cheater. He cheated on me $520 Be careful. lordfire9000's information. lordfire9000 is Ukrainians. Name: Tepchuk Viktoriia Skype: l2america But he using Discord.
  12. loadfire9000 is cheated on me $520
  13. Hi is cheater. he cheated on me I paid him, but he doesn't give me the pack. $520
  14. PM me. Full source and perfact GeoData. I'll pay to just PayPal.
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