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Everything posted by uater

  1. is for classic, not for IL Closed. reazon: Fixed
  2. And this is not possible?
  3. Hello, I'm looking for classic client for l2 gold or l2 gold weapons for classic 166 version
  4. test server availible?, is full classic or IL with classic interface?
  5. Hello, I'm making the l2 gold weapons for Classic 166, but I cant get the glow in the weapon, someone can help me? Weapongrp:
  6. Hi, I have seen in l2gold.in that there is an item that when clicked spawns a mob/raid_boss ramdom, this is edited from the ai or you have to create a mod in extender?, I am using the Dandiarena datapack. I have seen the skill to spawn a pet with an item (dragon flaute) and I have seen the s_skill to spawn the unicorns (elemental summoner), I tried to create a s_summon of a raid boss but it threw error, for this reason I decided to come here to ask, this can help many people. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAWN CAT: skill_begin skill_name=[s_summon_blackcat1] /* [쀜뀼 삣 끔 삣] */ skill_id=1111 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=20 effect={{i_summon;[cat_the_cat_a];70;[crystal_d];0}} operate_cond={{can_summon}} is_magic=1 mp_consume1=8 mp_consume2=31 item_consume={[crystal_d];3} cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=15 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=21600 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end SPAWN ITEM (DB +10): skill_begin skill_name=[s_en_draconic_bow_focus_10_box] /* [Box with Draconic Bow Focus + 10] */ skill_id=10043 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_add_enchanted_item;7577;10}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=0 item_consume={[en_draconic_bow_focus_10_box];1} cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0.2 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end DRAGON FLAUTE: skill_begin skill_name=[s_wolf_collar] /* [Modified 15 May 2009 18:44] */ skill_id=2046 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_summon_pet}} operate_cond={{can_summon_pet};{op_not_territory;{{51341;218103;-3252;-2932};{53341;218103;-3252;-2932};{53341;220103;-3252;-2932};{51341;220103;-3252;-2932}}}} is_magic=0 mp_consume2=0 cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=5 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0.5 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none} skill_end ITEM WITH RAMDOM DROP (GIFT/BOX): skill_begin skill_name=[s_ingredient_box_1] /* [샜쁽쁘 상삐] */ skill_id=2175 level=1 operate_type=A1 magic_level=1 effect={{i_restoration_random;{{{{[blood_root];2}};20};{{{[sulfur];2}};20};{{{[infernium_ore];1}};35};{{{[demons_blood];2}};25}}}} is_magic=2 mp_consume2=0 item_consume={[ingredient_box];1} cast_range=-1 effective_range=-1 skill_hit_time=0 skill_cool_time=0 skill_hit_cancel_time=0 reuse_delay=0 attribute=attr_none effect_point=0 target_type=self affect_scope=single affect_limit={0;0} next_action=none ride_state={@ride_none;@ride_wind;@ride_star;@ride_twilight} skill_end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPAWN RAID BOSS/MOB W/ ITEM: ??? HELP! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATES: i have found valuable information (UPDATE) In the ai.obj I found the quest of Baium, in which one is to talk to the holy arks, these spawn a npc/mob/miniboss, what I did was to go to the ai of this quest to see what kind of function it is, the following is to search in the ai the s_effects. ai.obj image:
  7. Hello, is possible any effect spawn raid boss/mobs?
  8. Hello, how I make holdtarget in adrenaline?, I buy the licence B Thanks
  9. Hello everyone, I hope you are having a good day, I tell you my problem, I'm adding the buffers in my server but they do not appear because I did not put the territory, honestly I can not find tutorials l2off explaining how to configure the spawn of the npc, time, days, etc.. I leave you the code I have made to spawn 5 buffers in Giran, but they do not appear. npc_begin [buffer_npc] pos={83084;147906;-3464;32768} total=1 respawn=1min npc_end npcmaker_end npc_begin [buffer_npc] pos={83077;148394;-3464;32768} total=1 respawn=1min npc_end npcmaker_end npc_begin [buffer_npc] pos={83083;148394;-3464;32768} total=1 respawn=1min npc_end npcmaker_end npc_begin [buffer_npc] pos={83080;149322;-3464;32768} total=1 respawn=1min npc_end npcmaker_end Someone could explain or send me tutorials so I can learn
  10. Hello, I am creating a buffer in l2 off, my problem is that it buffers well, but when I want to create a scheme it tells me "invalid buff" and does not create the list, I will leave the htm so you can check what I am doing wrong. Video 1: https://gyazo.com/89ec0299316ca606333f44c366a248f7 Code scheme (I used): <html> <head> <title>:: Scheme Buffer :: Player</title> </head> <body> <center> <img src="L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_1" width=300 height=32 align=left><br> <br> Please choose a buff from the list: <br> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id=1111554">Wind Walk</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1112067">Shield</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1112323">Might</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==355587">Great Shield</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==355331">Great Might</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1112580">Mental Shield</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1112838">Bless The Body</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1113094">Bless The Soul</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1113346">Magic Barrier</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1113604">Resist Shock</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1113862">Concentration</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1114114">Berserker Spirit</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1114374">Bless Shield</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1114628">Vampiric Rage</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1114883">Acumen</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1115139">Empower</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==357635">Clarity</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==333570">Wild Magic</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1115394">Haste</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1115651">Guidance</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1115907">Focus</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==1116163">Death Whisper</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==346881">Prophecy of Water</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==347137">Prophecy of Fire</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==347393">Prophecy of Wind</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==348929">Chant of Victory</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==69377">Dance of Warrior</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==69889">Dance of Mystic</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==70145">Dance of Fire</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==70401">Dance of Fury</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==70657">Dance of Concentration</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==93441">Dance of Siren</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==79361">Dance of Vampire</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==67585">Song of Earth</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==77825">Song of Vitality</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==68353">Song of Warding</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==68609">Song of Wind</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==68865">Song of Hunter</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==89345">Song of Renewal</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==92929">Song of Meditation</a> <a action="bypass sb_b_p?id==93185">Song of Champion</a> <br> <button value="Back" action="link menu_buffer001.htm" width=75 height=21 back="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normalOn" fore="L2UI_ch3.Btn1_normal"> <br><br> <img src="L2UI_CH3.onscrmsg_pattern01_1" width=300 height=32 align=left><br> </center> </body> </html> ---------------------------------------------------------- Scheme script guide: //Bypass description: //sb_b_p?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - buff player //sb_b_s?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - buff summon //sb_a_p?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - add buff to player's buff list //sb_a_s?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - add buff to summon's buff list //sb_u_p - use player's buff list //sb_u_s - user summon's buff list //sb_c_p - clear player's buff list //sb_c_s - clear summon's buff list //sb_r_p - recover player's hp/mp/cp //sb_r_s - recover summon's hp/mp //sb_d_p - dispel all player's buffs //sb_d_s - dispel all summon's buffs //sb_u_mp?name=MACRO_NAME - use macro player //sb_u_ms?name=MACRO_NAME - use macro summon //Remote bypasses - can be used in buff coin etc (works without talking with npc) //sb_r_b_p?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - buff player //sb_r_b_s?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - buff summon //sb_r_a_p?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - add buff to player's buff list //sb_r_a_s?id=SKILL_PCH_ID - add buff to summon's buff list //sb_r_u_p - use player's buff list //sb_r_u_s - user summon's buff list //sb_r_c_p - clear player's buff list //sb_r_c_s - clear summon's buff list //sb_r_r_p - recover player's hp/mp/cp //sb_r_r_s - recover summon's hp/mp //sb_r_d_p - dispel all player's buffs //sb_r_d_s - dispel all summon's buffs //sb_r_u_mp?name=MACRO_NAME - use macro player //sb_r_u_ms?name=MACRO_NAME - use macro summon //Setting params description: //allow_pk - can be used by player killer //allow_guilty - can be used by flagged player (in pvp mode) //allow_combat - can be used by player in combat mode //buff_delay - delay between buffs in miliseconds (used in timer) //use_delay - flood protection (in ms) //peacezone_only - if set to 1 players wont be able to use scheme buffer outside peace zone //allow_cursedweapon - allows cursed weapon owner to use scheme buffer setting_begin enabled=1 allow_pk=0 allow_guilty=0 allow_combat=0 allow_olympiad=0 allow_cursedweapon=0 use_delay=0 peacezone_only=0 buff_delay=0 low_level_msg=2454 high_level_msg=2455 not_enough_adena_msg=2456 add_to_list_msg=2408 add_to_summon_list_msg=2409 setting_end //Buff params description: //pch_id - skill id from skill_pch.txt //price_id / price_amount - consumed price //min_level - minimum player level //max_level - max player level //abnormal_time - custom buff time //required_item_id/required_item_amount - not consumed //s_agit_wind_walk2 buff_begin pch_id=1111554 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_shield3 buff_begin pch_id=1112067 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_might3 buff_begin pch_id=1112323 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_mental_shield4 buff_begin pch_id=1112580 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_bless_the_body6 buff_begin pch_id=1112838 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_bless_the_soul6 buff_begin pch_id=1113094 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_magic_barrier2 buff_begin pch_id=1113346 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_resist_shock4 buff_begin pch_id=1113604 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_concentration6 buff_begin pch_id=1113862 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_berserker_spirit2 buff_begin pch_id=1114114 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_bless_shield6 buff_begin pch_id=1114374 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_vampiric_rage4 buff_begin pch_id=1114628 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_arcane_acumen3 buff_begin pch_id=1114883 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_empower3 buff_begin pch_id=1115139 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_haste2 buff_begin pch_id=1115394 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_guidance3 buff_begin pch_id=1115651 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_focus3 buff_begin pch_id=1115907 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agit_death_whisper3 buff_begin pch_id=1116163 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_elemental_protection1 buff_begin pch_id=346113 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_divine_protection1 buff_begin pch_id=346369 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_arcane_protection1 buff_begin pch_id=346625 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_advance_block buff_begin pch_id=333827 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_wild_magic2 buff_begin pch_id=333570 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //s_agility3 buff_begin pch_id=278275 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 buff_end //dances buff_begin pch_id=69377 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_warrior] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=69633 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_inspiration] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=69889 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_mystic] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=70145 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_fire] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=70401 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_fury] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=70657 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_concentration] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=70913 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_light] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=78593 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_aqua_guard] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=79105 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_earth_guard] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=79361 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_vampire] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=79617 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_protection] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=93441 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_siren1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=93697 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_shadow1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=93953 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_dance_of_medusa1] buff_end //song buff_begin pch_id=67585 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_earth] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=67841 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_life] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=68097 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_water] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=68353 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_warding] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=68609 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_wind] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=68865 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_hunter] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=69121 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_invocation] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=77825 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_vitality] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=78081 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_vengeance] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=78337 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_flame_guard] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=78849 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_storm_guard] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=89345 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_renewal1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=92929 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_meditation1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=93185 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_champion1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=111873 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_song_of_silence] buff_end //OTHERS buff_begin pch_id=1202957 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_blessing_of_queen13] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=1203213 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_gift_of_queen13] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=1203725 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_blessing_of_seraphim13] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=1203981 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_gift_of_seraphim13] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=338689 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_blessing_of_noblesse] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=267009 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_holy_weapon1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=348929 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_chant_of_victory1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=346881 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_prophecy_of_water1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=347137 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_prophecy_of_fire1] buff_end buff_begin pch_id=347393 price_id=57 price_amount=0 min_level=1 max_level=80 abnormal_time=3600 name=[s_prophecy_of_wind1] buff_end
  11. in this case, the first stat is 25 x 0.40? or is 25 x 0?
  12. Hi, I would like to know what each part of this code refers to: <add val="25" stat="reflectDam" order="0x40"/> <add val="30" stat="reflectSkillPhysic" order="0x40"/> <add val="30" stat="reflectSkillMagic" order="0x40"/> From what I understand the "add val="xx" would be the amount in net number, the "stat=" the attribute name, but what does "order="0x40"/>" mean? I would appreciate if you could help me, since I can not find anyone who can explain a little, I'm learning only by trial and error.
  13. Hi all, I am learning how to create a L2off server, I am using Dandiarena's l2 off datapack. I wanted to create an item that spawns mobs/raid boss but I don't know how to do it, my idea was to take a mana potion and duplicate it (the mana potion when used disappears if it is only one), taking that into account, I proceeded to change the icon and name it as "raidboss bomb", the problem is that I don't know where to edit the skills or create a skill that performs the command example: "//summon Baium" and that the baium appears in that place, for me it is complicated since I do not understand much, I would appreciate if you can share a little of your knowledge
  14. Hello everyone, I tell you: I want to play a server, and I see that several use the "adrenaline bot", but using it does not leave me. I asked them and they said "We released the system to use the adrenaline, but we won't tell you how to do it". Someone could teach you how to get the defense out of a l2? system. The error that appears to me is: "LZPE Erro" and when you touch accept, the l2 closes. Even the adrenaline doesn't detect the lineage 2!!! I hope you can help me! I'd really appreciate it. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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