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About melliman

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  1. Kinda valid from what i saw on the free shares :) Im not a mobius fanboy, neither working with L2j or any kind of L2 emus... Just saying what i think about a drama queen like you and acting like you know how to code if you literaly dont share any of it :)
  2. WoW... i realy wonder that you are actualy able to read a simple and small logic! I thought you are the Queen / King of XML, basicly something that you can generate... never saw anything that you coded with a bit of logic on it. Keep trying... the only thing you are realy good at, is to argue and be one of the fucking biggest drama queens i ever saw!
  3. He is the owner and dev of the Project / Server L2 Tenkai. I dont think that Pere or someone else should share a Tutorial on how to compile those files. To use them you need at least a bit of knowlege with Java and a base thing is compiling java files :) ( just use google, it should answer your questions )
  4. Would be pretty cool to work on your Helios src... Sad that you dont have your Valiance branch anymore :(
  5. Kind of a copypaste idea from Aion but configurable... i dont think it is worth paying 50€ for it. Maybe 20€ ( for someone who rly has no knowlege about coding ).... Anyway gl with it!
  6. Well, its doing his job... but sadly after 1-2 hrs it's requesting a new google token, kind of stupid if you want to leave it during the night online :( PS: Just wanted a smurf :(
  7. DAT L2OFF... hahahaa wow.... #muchfake #muchl2j
  8. Dont forget that they did 0 fixes on it also hahaha
  9. The server just seems like Media since both of them use L2Scripts files :) thats all...
  10. 2k5 template? lol, gl finding any similar website on google, we are actually implementing a whole custom and private account management beside an easy Web + Server DB integration thats let you manage almost everything in the Databases in few mins :) Drupal is King! PS: Web Version is at 0.8 Beta and still under development, you will see what a wizard can do :D
  11. This guy is unskilled and untrusted....
  12. Funny how people try to scam someone hahahah
  13. WTB a stable Lindvior/Valiance Source ( Most important is the core part... ) Send me a msg!
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