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Everything posted by wenu5

  1. Tryed at c6 didin't worked :/
  2. old :x
  3. c6 works!:) kameal didn't woked got jail :>
  4. Didn't worked on L2j c6 server :(
  5. inposible to use walker in dex
  6. NO vista is peas of sh..
  7. go to http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=19305.0 there is a walker for interlude :P
  8. retail is better because l2j is one big bug
  9. I think best way is make a macro with he's name(just opinion)
  10. Adventure or no ballz if you need a prove watch dvp or gustavs pvp vid's
  11. asdasdaccasda or something like that for that the enemy won't use /target because they are lazzy
  12. take ol/and any mage with soul guard you will be unstapoble with fighter's
  13. Tallum heavy set is best for destro(I think :/)
  14. nice texture. It looks a lot of player on global at lineage3 :O
  15. At some servers you don't need to wait until 0:00 just use stryder bug
  16. LF c1 TIMES ^_^
  17. high rate suk's with ~20ppl on ^_^
  18. fight with mage you don't need acury to be active because you using skill's ^_^ p.s where is duelist skill buff? o_O
  19. low rate>all because in low rate you update your knowlange about l2
  20. paladin is a noob or paladin was afk because dworf with lower grade can't win tank with best eq
  21. buger>>all u can get anything that donator donate or nolifer nolifes
  22. Try to trade your Sword +25 for Bow+25 and be pro he :P
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