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Everything posted by xDMSx

  1. Trusted & skilled. Don't be afraid of using any of his services. Good luck mate. ;)
  2. All script is fake and not work correctly. This is a thief and stolen files from me. Please some give ban this guy.
  3. The First servers have entered the HopZones Ranking Topsite!! Add your Server today and get won the first position in the HopZones.net ranking! Check it Now! http://www.HopZones.net
  4. lineage for ever!! :)
  5. Add me in skype (nemesis.net.games). Thanks!
  6. Hello! I am looking for someone to create new codes for my topsite. Insert new ideas and New scripts on topsite. Email: admin@hopzones.net Thanks!
  7. Mate i add you on my msn...Accept it when you online to discuss...
  8. is good project. l2pheon is making pack on la2base souces. Have more fix's in java.
  9. to link exei diagrafi :( mporis na to anevasis pali?? ty for share bro
  10. Baggo min paratas to IL. Kaneis poli kali doulia kai spanizoun ta kala project. Sunexise me to interlude kai anebase to se ena svn gia na exeis kai ena timeline tou project. Thanks
  11. Best Hli4Snet...
  12. Thanks xAddytzu! Is very good code. keep it
  13. Website: www.l2thamuz.com not work....:/
  14. Accept me on msn. HopZones@live.com thanks
  15. WTB L2J-Interlude Complete Pack (Source Code) With all Bug protection and full fixes. PM Here or E-mail. Thanks
  16. Poli kalos.Sinexise etsi file ta pas poli kala.
  17. lion accept me on msn? :/ ty
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