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Everything posted by GrisoM

  1. dark elf fighter str 41 orc fighter str 40 human fighter str 40 dwarven str 39 light elf fighter 36 (jaja xD) Kamael str 41 :o but even if the dr wins by 1 str point to the orc , the orc have 47 con points and the de 37 xD
  2. 1 it didnt work for me and i think i am going to get ban cos soon has i log in it says Anti cheat system detected an ilegal perfonamce gm has been informed (HAHA I LOG WHIT lvl 4 CHAR :D) ty any way (this mids that it works but is risky cos it may be fixed) Now u post this i remember the day 3 guys take a castle against an ally cos they could be target XD they kill us all and take castle and after //ban xD but it was a funny day
  3. well i loss the page link but there is something rly important about life stones: 1) there is many many types of it light blue yellow black brown 2) there is a list of the things that gives for exaple the yellow ls ( the best ¬¬ have chances of give many things active passive str int dex con , etc etc That is not good..) 3) the fact is that the better stones are the one that have 3 or 4 things only for example the black stones if i didnt read bad no one post that there is also an active skill that is the skill of mana burn lvl 10 (good for pvp if the server dosnt have mp pots ^.^) and oly's xD <--------- i add this
  4. only women chars have more types of hair WHY WOULD THAT BE >.> <.< jajaja xDD i always open a 2 l2 if i want to change my color - hair and see 1 by 1 xD
  5. pala/destroy phenix/titan (:P) whit all skills mixed u have over 10k p def or 10k p atk i f u use frenezy =P and in mages ........ sps and bishop
  6. gh in all servers Focus Death + hex + Mortal Strike = 1/6 skills give instant death (if u r whit allll buffs =)
  7. if it is a low rate server he can just buy 1 in my opinion tallum heavy is the best for tank classes for atk speed , good p def (they alredy have a lot xD) and is the most cool of all a xD
  8. http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx1XIm6q4r4 xDDDDDDDD http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=JBZqp98836I
  9. u forgot what exacly? how to put it in 256 colours? how to make it whit photo shop? how to put it in game? if u dont know how to put it in 256 bla bla u go to paint open the file u want , put save as and then in low part u can choose wich one do u want (there u have the choise of 256) whit photoshop how to make your own flag , well u do it whit all u want and then u make it whit the size u need whit choise of "Image" and u have a choise that says Image zise whit that u choose the size of crest and in game to put it has your flag well 1) save your file in the root of a disk (Ex: C) 2) in game put the option that says edit crest and in the space u have type : C:\ (this is alt +92) C:\NameOfFile.bmp bb
  10. GrisoM


    yes but is funny they have a HUGE community but they teach to them how to cheat :P i teach how to bug my l2 server xD
  11. like this guy in ofi http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=kI-Yx8HtQt4 OMG ¬¬ OMG i think that hits more than a draconic +5 or +6 xD
  12. for what i understand seeing a guy playing u have to point at him , or u miss the hit?(not click and stays target) or i understand wrong? any way whit the new program koreans are using to develot the next l2 i think the game will have his golden age
  13. lineage 2 is best in almost all ways if u r from latin lenguage this is the most funny vid of l2 and wow compaares http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=8dn8VAk_SP8&feature=related but according to this page wow is the best ¬¬ this wow is 2 and lineage 8 Come on!! -.-" xD this people is crazy l2 worst than wow? the only thing wow have is this vid http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=4pn4kZyqVRU&feature=related
  14. sounds wierd but it works Lol ty (in al my life u save me 3 hours jaja =D)
  15. it dosnt matter mods will change it later poor kid tell him at least its a good work xD i like the mix of light blue grey and black ;) gj
  16. lineage but not conventional servers FACTION SERVER u just win adena by killing other people if u just want to kill that is your answer xD or if u want the most massive check the mmo that have low grafics that can stand 2000 ppls at same time xD
  17. now that italy lose i bet my adena on germany can any one tell me what happend in the game? i couldt watch the game =(
  18. 4 reaL???????? another movie? in real or animated like the others? where did u read that , and show me pics if u can plz [super ultra fan of dbz (seens 6 years old ="))
  19. DONT GIVE ME KARMA FOR THIS, I ALREDY GOT IT. (even if is it updated) [Hidden Content]
  20. If the file is clean , this program is perfect for lvl up whit out lag in the other side i like to see all in a siege or in a pvp .. ty
  21. i serch in pm fun page http://lineage.pmfun.com/ and they dont have nothing it just say Misc ¿from wich chronicle it is , u have any idea? not even in ofi shows something xD http://www.lineage2.com/Knowledge/item.html?category=etc#itemsTop O.o ftw?
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