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Everything posted by LordWinter

  1. To begin with, L2Enmity woke up 2 months after svn stopped working, as I wrote to you earlier, restoring access is $20 and I do not refuse to return access, but - all our disputes are due to fact that you want me to remove binding from core and fact that you will be able to resell you don't care. Having access to updates and the removed binding - don't you want a lot? You forgot to clarify that you have not been updated since November 2022, otherwise you would have known that svn is closing - I wrote about it wherever I could. I am ready to restore access on my terms, but without removing binding (only on these terms) and only because we could not agree because of binding, access is not restored And $20 recovery is only because I transferred all users to git for free for a month(November-December 2022). And since svn is not active right now, I can't fully verify the data
  2. From January 1, 2023, all our active repositories will be moved to gitlab and current svn hosting will cease to exist. In this regard, all cutomers need to contact me to clarify and confirm their accounts. Subscriptions of all unconfirmed accounts will be suspended without right to restore. Also, starting from the new year, pricing policy in all directions will be transferred to a fixed price in rubles!
  3. dear colleague, if you didn't have a lot of crooked users working on the server for you, then your project would be a priority. No offense to you - I respect your work! But all your customers do is break everything. Especially berezkin
  4. so what's the problem with writing in skype?) im online every day
  5. I hope you understand that even if someone sells you data bypassing me, you will lose client access & support
  6. You think too much about this system, since it costs the equivalent of two AdvExt extenders. I will not breed spam. Good luck in sales!
  7. Because over time, the list of threads will get clogged and the server will start lagging. How many time your system can wotk at life server without restart with a lot of players? P.S unrealistic price, system is not worth it. 150 euro this is limit
  8. You probably don't understand that separate threads will lead to nothing. Unless you divide the processes into a server and a farm I will not argue globally, because I have not seen it in operation, but judging by the video, the system is slow. Many delays. And of course your priceit's not worth even half the cost. You exaggerated your work.
  9. Rates are a global problem for all servers. I just found the optimal solution
  10. Seriously? Do you think that a year after l2jserver released an update and Sunrise adapted this piece of code has become better? I completely changed all formulas for calculating chances of items, taking into account all sorts of third-party bonuses from the server. But at the same time, I derived my formula so that when the rates change, all the chances and amounts are linked and increase smoothly. Because everything that is implemented in other servers did not suit me. I made an announcement with a clear example of calculating the drop in this topic. Formulas are unique
  11. only his idea in terms of reading shotcuts was taken.
  12. I have nothing to do with your sunrise)
  13. The prices are all different l2jeternity l2jsunrise l2open l2jmaster
  14. I have nothing against your development, but! I've studied your server inside out. You have closed very important points from your clients and this is a big minus. You have a lot of problems and not the correct operation of the game moments, but for this you have to add on geo. You have just started changes to the geodata and believe me geoengine is not ready to work correctly even at 50%
  15. Price update from February this year! Auto Farm Mode [beta version] LINK
  16. NEW YEAR'S SALE from December 25, 2020 to January 5, 2021 inclusive we give a discount when buying an emulator - 30% on all tariffs Ready to buy? Then contact us ICQ: 397086629 • Skype - Write
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