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Straw Hat

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Straw Hat last won the day on April 1 2023

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  1. The only thing I have to say… Stay quiet to avoid embarrassing yourself, because we all know your knowledge is close to zero. You set up a server and just started buying patches from others without even knowing what you were really getting.
  2. l2royale.com Probably, when you open the site you will think "this guy is stupid, clearly this is not an interlude, the client is the Grand Crusader (Classic)". Don't be fooled by the texture below the character's feet, this is common to add to the interlude interface nowadays, I have it on mine myself.
  3. That doesn't even make sense. There are only 3 striders and they use the same mesh and the same textures. There are around 10 mounts there.
  4. Hey guys, is everything ok? I've been looking for a way to add more than one mount to Interlude for some time and I haven't been able to, since when you add more than one mount without replacing the Strider, when you mount the added mount, the character appears on top of the Strider. Many people say that in Interlude, this is not possible due to its limitations, etc. etc... But it turns out that recently I was on Facebook and saw some L2 Royale posts and there are several mounts there, and the client is the Interlude c6 and not a Classic Interlude. I believe they did it in a different way, can anyone imagine a way to make this work? Thanks!
  5. 20e is still 20e. I commented because they sent me the link to this post asking if the price was fair. There's my opinion. If you don't want to receive new comments, close the topic.
  6. I think it's expensive to pay 20 euros for an if in the interface.u
  7. I agree. I hope to help those who need it and can't afford it. Thanks ♥
  8. After so much searching and not finding anywhere, I decided to learn and make my own Snow Fenrir mount for Interlude. There are people who are charging 50 to 60 euros for a mount for Interlude, in fact it is a lot of work but not everyone is able to spend that money on a simple mount for their server. So I decided to make it free for you. Click the button to Download
  9. Do I need someone I can trust to develop an edit interface for me? Anyone good?
  10. If you don't intend to help, don't make unnecessary comments. The concept of this forum is to help other people.
  11. Has anyone managed to progress and get it to work in some review? Or just compile and run JTesla files?
  12. edit dll? laugh It would be more useful if these effects replaced the abnormal effect not used in the interlude. Or it can even be used as a buff, since it leaves the character when the buff ends and not when you relog. But the biggest problem with this effect is that you can buff countless times and the effect will accumulate on the character when turning into a purple mass. This is just constructive criticism, I'm not belittling your work, know how to recognize the difference.
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