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About xMrShadyx

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  1. I bump the topic to let moderator know that, we are done here and can be locked :)
  2. @Sinister Smile Thnx alote my frend, it worked !!! Really, Very Very much Thx You !, I was wondering how to do it for a 1 whole day !. Im done here topic can be locked ! :)
  3. its nice colorfully, but the text font is kind of weird :P good job anyway :)
  4. Hello, I would like to request help for transparent icons as PVP icon, I have kind of progress this I see when I open my inventory I use actually pvp weapons for testing just changed icon.pvp_tab with my own texture and I see them black, but when I open another windows while my inventory is open I can see them, These are my Saving Settings, I use DXT1 ARGB 4 bpp 1 bit alpha, only this way I can see them transparent when I save them. These are my unreal saving settings: and this is result im trying to reach... TEXF_RGBA8 Thnx in advance to anyone who knows, and is able to help.
  5. You need xDatEditor and open interface.xdat you find this and, im assume is here at NPCDialogWnd[Windows] and edit these, and prepare for few crashes before u get it right :P
  6. Hello, folks I was surfing around my accounts in 4share and some other upload sites and I found my old Icons that I was posted here 7 years ago :D and since I can't find them here anymore I decide to Reshare them with you hope u still like them !, as before :) they work in any chronicle I think. Actually there is Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 I think icons from the video are addition to vol.1 if im not wrong :) Download Vol.1 - https://www.4shared.com/rar/D9tQy-RB/Shady.html Download Vol.2 - https://www.4shared.com/rar/6zbrYTes/Shady_vol_2.html
  7. thnx for replies im, still searching, im looking exactly what Elfocrash says :)
  8. Hello, guys im looking for daily reward engine, I've used the search button but nothing, can some one let me know if there is any, thnx
  9. Hello, Dear Cheaters :P, I would like to have ur opinion about, what should have a pvp server? Rates.Items,Customs,Npcs,Zones anything in ur mind that u would like to have in one pvp server, you thing that will make ur staying time enjoyable, Thnx in Advance, i'll really appreciate ur opinions and suggestions. Best Regartz xMrShadyx
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