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911reg last won the day on March 10

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About 911reg

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  1. It's funny that you don't realize the irony of this situation LMAO, it just shows how braindead you are. So far it's been pretty chill, take care PS: we were only downvoting to push you to share more
  2. You've been sniping my account daily for a week, downvoting every comment (even in posts that weren't related to you in any way) and i've downvoted you in response, and you're the one crying? sounds pretty guytis to me
  3. Try editing ut2003.ini inside l2editor's folder, under [Core.System], add this: [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 Paths=.\*.u Paths=..\SysTextures\*.utx Paths=..\Textures\*.utx Paths=..\Animations\*.ukx Paths=..\StaticMeshes\*.usx Paths=..\Sounds\*.uax Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp Also, if your editors close with no log or error mesage whatsoever then it's likely the case that something's wrong with your OS. I've successfully ran all versions without any problems in windows 11 pro x64.
  4. Your l2editor can't access the 'Textures' folder, nor the 'Sounds' folder, and probably none of the others. Send a pic of your client's root folder so I can see exactly how you're using it This particular version can't build sunlight properly, your TerrainInfos will look black. There are other versions of it (the prelude/interlude versions) but they also have their own problems (fucked up map geometry, problems with movers, having to manually turn on the collision of every staticmesh in order for them to generate shadows, etc.) i doubt you'll ever find any guides anywhere about how to use these editors properly, because it'd be just way too tedious to explain; tldr you're gonna have to experiment with them on your own and figure out how to use them, while they're not perfect it's definitely possible to make/port maps with them to any client. Or, you can try to figure out if some shady russian is selling a proper unrealed for L2 in some other forum
  5. You don't have your l2editor set up properly within your client's root folder, so it can't access the files from the client. ->L2 Client's root folder --->L2Editor --->Animations --->ForceFeedback --->L2text --->MAPS --->Music --->Screenshot --->Sounds --->StaticMeshes --->System --->SysTextures --->Textures --->Voice Also, this is pretty useles when it comes to editing maps
  6. I do what I like because I don't need to push myself to do things for L2 as a means of income. You, on the other hand, are here trying to scam people for $20k files... But, since you're so talented and competent, I suppose you must be thriving on the fruits of your talents as an L2Off dev, no? Oh wait Guess not
  7. You keep saying we're selling server files when we aren't, you truly have 20 IQ
  8. As If any of us would be interested in whatever garbage you might or might not post. You've repeated this pattern multiple times: you make a blatantly idiotic post trying to sell giga overpriced files (such as $20k for goddess files), people with half a brain shit on you for trying a blarant cashgrab for, at best, very dubious files, and you proceed to threaten to 'share everyone's files' despite the fact that none of us are related to each other in any way whatsoever, and then try to throw shit our way simply because you're the one being shat on for trying to scam people. If anything, you're pure comedy, its sad to see you go. Cheers. PD: they banned you for a reason in the past, and you should have stayed banned.
  9. Because if he doesn't freeshare the projects himself they will eventually get leaked anyway. Again, you were asking about this yesterday on discord and multiple people have already told you there's no code removed, if you're not gonna listen to the feedback to your question, why even ask to begin with? Lol
  10. in the case of h5 client and lower, those 'combos' are completely hardcoded, you can't really make new ones, this is a thing only ever since goddess.
  11. Take a look at AnimationCombo.dat. Those letters are a mix of animations, i.e. 'D' could be SpAtk01+SpAtk02, Mix01 could be SpAtk06+SpAtk07+SpAtk08, and so on.
  12. he ain't selling anything tho, you must have 70 IQ
  13. Of course, because buying a $20.000 source only to re-sell it is a good investment LMAO still waiting an answer for my question
  14. I'm not part of any sort of group, please go ahead and share everything you got, it's just that your price is pretty hilarious. So, they who? lol
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