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911reg last won the day on November 22

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  1. Try disabling Hyper-V?
  2. If you're using Classic clients, then all the client sided files you need are already in your client
  3. Please use google translate, i really tried but i can't understand what you want at all. you want a full image of the geo squares? wanna move 25_20 to 20_15 or vice-versa?
  4. You're missing animnotifies, which are added directly onto the .ukx file. Specifically, AnimNotify_AttackShot UDN - Two - AnimNotifies
  5. GitHub - zikdoz/L2DiscordPresence: Simple library to enable customized Discord's rich presence (e.g. playing on some server with custom text and icons) for Lineage 2 (may be used for other games, I think)
  6. Not possible sadly, what you CAN do is make an animated texture with a bunch of steps, to create a small sequence, however you NEED to use RGBA8 .tga format (not DDS/DXT1/DXT3/DXT5), so the .utx files will be pretty big.
  7. I don't have the proper ddf files sadly, most of them are fucked up in miko's releases (specifically 110 protocol); however, l2clientdat works fine with that client, is there any particular reason why you don't use it?
  8. Not having any issues whatsoever atm
  9. So simply copy the values and set bSplit9Texture to True
  10. I'm asking about the process of exporting the textures and re-importing them. What tool do you use? l2tool? do you use unrealed? are you exporting the texture and re-importing it somewhere else, or moving it from assassin utx to your utx? i suggest you to download the l2editor i shared on this forum, open the assassin utx file, right click the texture > properties, and check the Split9 values. You need to apply those to the texture in your utx file
  11. Please explain how you ported it. You probably didn't define split9 values
  12. You are once again throwing random claims on the table, when as a matter of fact your client still does not have what they paid for while you keep the money, not to mention the stuff Sayhas pointed out. You would be more believable if you hadn't instantly ran to delete every single incriminating conversation with the client on telegram and wherever else you could. For example, you could have taken pictures of the messages where they 'treated you disrespectfully', or messages where the client would have said that they were in any way satisfied with their work. Having a big portfolio is no excuse nor reassurance to this topic, since, again, you have the money and the client does not have the product. Man up, admit you fucked up, return the money and move on, if you give at least a single fuck about your reputation.
  13. It seems to me that you're too used to seeing servers opening without any actual work on their files; good things take time to make
  14. not really getting your logic here; plus if there are no alternatives, there are no alternatives period, still no reason to go interact with a scammer
  15. Wrong section, you should post this on the server section, not client
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