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911reg last won the day on February 14

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  1. You keep saying we're selling server files when we aren't, you truly have 20 IQ
  2. As If any of us would be interested in whatever garbage you might or might not post. You've repeated this pattern multiple times: you make a blatantly idiotic post trying to sell giga overpriced files (such as $20k for goddess files), people with half a brain shit on you for trying a blarant cashgrab for, at best, very dubious files, and you proceed to threaten to 'share everyone's files' despite the fact that none of us are related to each other in any way whatsoever, and then try to throw shit our way simply because you're the one being shat on for trying to scam people. If anything, you're pure comedy, its sad to see you go. Cheers. PD: they banned you for a reason in the past, and you should have stayed banned.
  3. Because if he doesn't freeshare the projects himself they will eventually get leaked anyway. Again, you were asking about this yesterday on discord and multiple people have already told you there's no code removed, if you're not gonna listen to the feedback to your question, why even ask to begin with? Lol
  4. in the case of h5 client and lower, those 'combos' are completely hardcoded, you can't really make new ones, this is a thing only ever since goddess.
  5. Take a look at AnimationCombo.dat. Those letters are a mix of animations, i.e. 'D' could be SpAtk01+SpAtk02, Mix01 could be SpAtk06+SpAtk07+SpAtk08, and so on.
  6. he ain't selling anything tho, you must have 70 IQ
  7. Of course, because buying a $20.000 source only to re-sell it is a good investment LMAO still waiting an answer for my question
  8. I'm not part of any sort of group, please go ahead and share everything you got, it's just that your price is pretty hilarious. So, they who? lol
  9. This guy is the least sketchy person alive on this forum.
  10. As far as i'm aware they're smaller in older clients, including h5 (64x64?) Either way it seems impractical to me, i'd rather throw a texture in a proper utx and call it a day
  11. I'm pretty sure you can, ye, but definitely not png images maybe if someone builds a system to show images by sending like 1500 crests to build a big image? :^)
  12. You can't. The image needs to be stored in the client, inside any kind of client package (ukx, utx, usx, uax, u, etc). You can't send images from server to client.
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