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wagner roberto

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Everything posted by wagner roberto

  1. could you send me the redone patch for me to access through my interlude client
  2. could you provide 1 with ucp working , donate panel
  3. good morning my vanper friend, would you have the patch that works on the interlude client to make it available please?
  4. Gostei bastante do projeto , pena que infelimesnte não no interludio , teria alguma forma de fazer uma adaptação para interludio ?
  5. I have it too, break it for us please
  6. hello good afternoon, sorry I don't know if this is the right area, could someone tell me where I find a review stacksud base +1?
  7. Good morning, I would like to know if there is any review with cumulative sub I'm looking and I'm not finding I will be very grateful if someone can help me Up
  8. Contact facebook https://www.facebook.com/paiwagnerdelogunede
  9. entendi meu amigo , mais teria alguma revisao boa pra se trabalhar free ? atualmente
  10. se alguem tiver um pack lucera e poder me disponibilizar eu ficarei grato , nao importa se é free , gosto bastante da lucera
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