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Everything posted by Katara512

  1. ProtocolVersion packet is one of the first exchanges in the client-server handshake, and if the versions don't match, the server cannot correctly interpret the packet, leading to a buffer underflow. Since you're the only one trying to log in, the error likely means there's a version mismatch between your game client and the server. Even though it's just you on the server, if the client is not exactly aligned with what the server expects, it can still cause the server to misinterpret the data it receives, leading to that BufferUnderflowException error.
  2. sounds like there are two different attack intentions, try to find the usages of the intention, keep in mind that isAttacking doesnt return the correct value in most cases so a quick approach for that is to get the AI of the attacker first
  3. I agree with Baygus. The guy had absolutely no idea what he was asking for, which ended up being incredibly frustrating. I remember finishing some tasks related to the client, and this guy would just make shitcomments about how I was doing my job, all that because he didn't know how to apply the patch. It's like he was trying to prove that he was going dumber and dumber day by day, He didn't even bother to take a look at what the heck is inside this core side or client side. In short, a shitty experience.
  4. for some weird reason //sethero is not enough to equip hero weapons, you have to be a hero from olympiad, i have managed to fix that weird problem in the past but i cant remember the solution of it
  5. if (!target.getAggroList().isEmpty() && !target.getAggroList().containsKey(player)) continue;
  6. based on Zake's reply, assume that the target is an instance of MonsterInstance so you can simply make a check like if (!target.getAggroList().isEmpty()) continue;
  7. Assume that you already have made a new instance for your npc its simple onBypassFeedback you will add a check, like if (player.isVIP() && command.contains("tryme")) { player.getInventory().equipItemAndRecord(item); } then you will make an NpcHtmlMessage with a stringbuilder embedded and do smth like String button = "<button value=\"Give me the sauce\" action=\"bypass -h tryme\" width=\"50\" height=\"20\" back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"; htmContent = htmContent.replace("%buttonTryMe%", button); as you can see above in the first example i made a check to handle the action of the button, in the second example we just simply create the button, hope you find it helpful
  8. what you did right now is to move weapon map outside your main method, why to do that?
  9. You can do it by moding the client either by implementing a part of code in your server side(sending any type of msg on player with the augmentation info)
  10. You have to simply create an npc instance which handles this type of request, by reviewing similar codes you can easily understand what you have to do. Remember your class should extend Npc mother class so you can implement such methods like bypassFeedback
  11. That should be inside CharInfo with no doubt
  12. Its 15 vs 7 its not a draw mxc should be clearly specialized on l2
  13. After a long time missing from the scene i decided to join again and finish with my acp development Platform Characteristics Fully responsive website Lightweight and SEO friendly optimized Authentication System Google recaptcha protection Login/Registration/Password Reset Dashboard General server statistics(Online players, GMs Online, Total Accounts, Total Clans) Detailed player's latest actions Character Services Unstuck character Change character name Change race Increase clan level Server Statistics Detailed informations about players/raidbosses/clans Donation Secure payment gateway which uses PayPal API (more payment ways can be added) Q/A: Q: Why to use the platform? A: The platform is developed in a way where it doesn’t even requires to own a good hosting server or owning a bachelor in computer science, everything is configurable through a file, last but not least I will always be there for questions as I provide lifetime support Q: What if i want to disable/enable or change something A: There is a file which handles the behaviour of the platform everything is configurable there Q: Does the platform provides any security? A: The platform is secured against most common attacks like HTTP FLOODING, XSS PROTECTION, SQL INJECTION ETC. Q: I'm encountering problems using or installing the platform, will you help me? A: Of course i will, you can always send me a pm on Discord which you will find below UPDATES: Added change character name, change race, change sex, clear pk on character services Pricing Starting price is 100 euro. Any request from the buyer will be charged as an extra service Some extra features (ask me for a price) Admin panel (Check players inventory, donation logs, apply penalty on players etc.) Payment API integration Inventory Viewer Item Marketplace Email verification for actions like registration, donation etc, this.is.katara
  14. you can start by creating a method which will return your allowed and disallowed items just to make your life simplier and avoid nested ifs and shit after all you will create one more method which will wrap the whole script, how can you check for eqquiped items? simple iteration
  15. Check inside Attackable you will notice some checks related with the guard instance so take a look and come back if you have further questions
  16. check Weapon.class or L2Weapon depends on your project
  17. You have to add some code in guards behavior where guards return to home after they lose their aggro list you can try search that keyword ReturnHome else feel free to contact with me via discord to help you Amnesia#9628
  18. utf8, sha1, base64
  19. check inside GameClient under DisconnectTask class there should be a isInStoreMode check also in Logout packet there should be also a check there
  20. change that or delete it completely <set name="chanceType" val="ON_MAGIC_GOOD" />
  21. You can edit already existing ExtractableItem handler and add your own code in order to accomplish that, other than that you can create a new handler like RandomItemReward which will initialize some arrays where will store your rewards inside so in summary 1. A variable will store your rewards,an array will be enough 2. Rnd as a chance calculation formula 3.a simple for loop will finish the show
  22. Upload weapons xml
  23. gotolove requires 2 things 1.sql connection which stores the marry time of player in db 2. boolean which checks if player is allowed to execute the command if you can achieve those 2 things then you're almost done
  24. check MultiSellChoose i think there is an int called ammount so lets assume you have this variable already you can make a for loop which takes 2 parameters ill let you think what you have to add as parameters and inside the loop you have to do smth like if (sellerItem.getItemId() == scrollId) { if (sellerItem.getItemCount() > ammount) { player.sendMessage("rip br0"); return; } }
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