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  1. First it is necessary to know if what you need is to recover one or several values, if you need several then you must add the values of the result in a list but the following form: while(rs.next()){ list.add(rs.getString("name")); } And if you only need to retrieve a single value which is what I assume you want to do, you should limit your result to a by placing at the end of your query Limit 1 And you could put your assignment like this: x = (rs.getString("name") != null) ? rs.getString("name") : "None";
  2. You were invoking the parse Data method to fill the Map from the xml every time you made the query of the icon for its key, the first thing if it could have reduced the performance of your server.
  3. According to the graph you show, in the first case the connection is made from the vps to the main server, that is, the intermediary makes the request for you, waits, the answer and then gives it to you, then at the end the time in which the answer arrives at the client is the sum of both, although for the client the response ping that will be seen in the client will be between the client and the proxy if I am not mistaken, although it does not seem to be the real one, someone understands how the second case works, anyone can explain it ?
  4. Hello @everyone, apparently the problem of undefined claims has been generated by a bad calculation of the remaining times, so to correct this, you must go to: votesystem.Handler.VoteManager and search public long getTimeRemaining (individualVote iv) and replace the old method with this: public long getTimeRemaining (individualVote iv) { long timeRemaining = 0L; timeRemaining = ((iv.getVotingTimeSite () + Config.INTERVAL_TO_NEXT_VOTE) - ((iv.getDiffTime ()> 0)? (System.currentTimeMillis () + iv.getDiffTime ()): (System.currentTimeMillis () - iv.getDiffTime () - iv.getDiffTime ()))); System.out.println ("Remaining time:" + timeRemaining); return timeRemaining; }
  5. In its error it says that parameter 5 has not been specified and that is true because you are only sending 4 Well, according to the code that you have shown, you are calling a store procedure that recive apparently 5 parameters and you are only sending 4 and that is why it is possibly giving you the error in the console
  6. check the number of parameters of this SP sellbuff_saveSellerData What does this method do? OfflineTradeTable.storeOffliners (); Are you sure it works smoothly? check that if it is running with an alert in the console
  7. To save or update you can create a button that calls a save method in the database, and to automatically save after a reboot or shutdown, you must go to the shutdown class and call the save method of the buff, that will be the same used for the buttom, for the error in console, check the number of parameters of your stored procedure that you are calling.
  8. Update for L2Mythras (2017.07.12) https://pastebin.com/yTKnHpDD
  9. L2jMobius High-Five https://pastebin.com/aYvSZVC8
  10. Show me your error console so I can help you.
  11. Hello everyone, I wanted to inform you that I have made a few adjustments to the voting system in which the validation of the votes has been corrected and the issue of multiple claims that sometimes occurred in the voting system, also add the adaptation of the system to package l2jfrozen 1132 https://pastebin.com/YczLkpUp I will be making the adaptation to all the chronicles of L2JMobius, L2Mythras, if anyone has any suggestion of a known and open source package that has not yet been adapted let me know.
  12. if you are using a current version of mysql you should use mysqli_connect function.
  13. I guess it can fit any l2j simulator
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