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Blood Tears ♡

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Blood Tears ♡ last won the day on November 12 2017

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    Sri Lanka

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  1. The problem was in engine.dll. Thx to all for the help. SOLVED!
  2. Any suggestions more, this crit makes me angry ..... What it NEED? I changed all NPCS but i get error even from the admin panel when i teleport.
  3. Im looking for the l2 pride 2h sword that look like dragon slayer but the black one. If someone have the old patch of any l2 pride server let me know.
  4. Could you help me to fix this shit mr. GLO?
  5. This topic was locked, thats why i make new one.
  6. I still get this error even i change the custom NPC with retail. I edit my optinions.ini but this don't help .. any suggestions? OS : Windows Vista 6.2 (Build: 9200) CPU : AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 3195 MHz with 2047MB RAM Video : Radeon RX 560 Series (9005) General protection fault! History: UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowBitmapMaterial ShadowActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial208) <- TestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial208) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowProjector ShadowTexture[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector502) <- AActor::Serialize <- TestReach <- (ShadowProjector 22_22.ShadowProjector502) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- TestReach <- (Level 22_22.myLevel) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine GLevel[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- Level_was_loaded <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  7. U looking for the free pack?
  8. Thank you both, i think the problem is solved.
  9. This Terrain=8.000000 or this TerrainClippingRange=0
  10. [Video] GamePlayViewportX=1304 GamePlayViewportY=884 StartupFullScreen=False UseTrilinear=True TextureDetail=0 ModelDetail=0 SkipAnim=0 PawnClippingRange=0 TerrainClippingRange=0 Gamma=0.800000 PostProc=0 RenderDeco=False PawnShadow=False RenderActorLimited=6 AntiAliasing=0 ColorBits=32 RefreshRate=60 WeatherEffect=0 GPUAnimation=False IsKeepMinFrameRate=False UseColorCursor=True [Game] HideDropItem=False ScreenShotQuality=0 IsNative=True MyName=True NPCName=True PledgeMemberName=True PartyMemberName=True OtherPCName=True GroupName=True TransparencyMode=True ArrowMode=True AutoTrackingPawn=False EnterChatting=False OldChatting=True ShowZoneTitle=False ShowGameTipMsg=False IsRejectingDuel=False PartyLooting=0 SystemMsgWnd=True SystemMsgWndDamage=True SystemMsgWndExpendableItem=False IsShortcutWndVertical=True IsLockShortcutWnd=False Is1ExpandShortcutWnd=False Is2ExpandShortcutWnd=False [Audio] SoundVolume=0.000000 MusicVolume=0.005000 WavVoiceVolume=0.000000 OggVoiceVolume=0.000000 AudioMuteOn=False [L2WaterEffect] EffectType=0 IsUseEffect=False [ClippingRange] Terrain=8.000000 Actor=6.000000 StaticMesh=4.000000 StaticMeshLod=6.000000 Pawn=3.000000 [FirstRun] FirstRun=2
  11. Ok thx i will write back.
  12. This error comes 1 in 500 times. It don't show every time when i teleport.
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