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Everything posted by Basher

  1. http://www.l2blizzlike.com/forum/showthread.php?137-2-Questions Check this. EDIT: His clan is here he is scared if i become too trusted check who many post written all from this friend trying to spam me :) SEE? P.S They are all romanian :)
  2. Hello. I Basher i m not very active on maxcheaters but i must tell some things about this server. This server is corrupted first of all. This server made from him for him and his friends not for the community. I was member of the best clan in the server Game Over clan. He ruined our players changing our stats from database and he made overpowered classes which he and his friends playing.I m not the one i told that. Take a look on his forum if you dont believe but maybe he removed them if he saw first my post here. His overpowered ally is Redzerg. I think this is a copy-paste npc's with removed credits pvp server. I suggest to not join in this server. Basher. Proud Member Of Game Over clan P.S If you want to ask something pm me to answer you but i ll not answer fast.
  3. off/ Loipon esu poios eisai kanenas mod i kapoios ??? i aplws prospatheis na anebaseis to post count s??? Mporeis na me kaneis report an kanw lathos pare ena report gia to spamm kai allh fora na matheis na kaneis report. Kai akoma an 3ereis oi mod mporoun na kanoun move ta thread gia na matheis na min milas allh fora. on/ Mporei na boithisei kapoios???? min kanw kana lathos kai psaxnome meta... P.S sorry pou den prosexa to request forum.
  4. Hello. Tha hthela na rwtiso pws mporoume na allazoume tin enfanisi enos npc dhladh ena npc apo gynaika na to allazw se emfanisi enos undead. ty.
  5. I downloaded this file to do more easily restarts on server. I replaced this file this existing gameserver.bat But When i run it is trying for to find a bat file with name "setenv" and this is only exist on l2jfree packs then the server shutdown abnormaly.
  6. I Want Ask Something for This amazing Share! Runs Only on l2jfree?? Because i"m Trying to run it on l2j but i cant.
  7. Your try it was excellent! This is the pack i looking for!!! Thank you Anubis.
  8. Hello! I "m Looking For L2J Interlude datapack unstable and without mods. If anyone has please upload it or if you know someone website witch already have write post it here but i dont want pack from l2jserver its full modded the 1st pack and the 2nd isnt good pack. Thank you!
  9. The server is very good i think nice site nice server many auto events i playing only 2 days here and i dont know is the GM events is on it maybe 99%:P be a famous srv because i see is realy working with the server many custom items from Gms and other custom add ons you can chose for many items its a little difficult but isnt bored someone dont like to wear and wear dc set too many times or dragonic in all server here he can wear something else and better. But 1 thing dont like on the server, donating is good with the srv to keep up but for users witch plaing for free isnt good because they can use only 1-2 mod items.Someone must play for a long timeeeee to be good here. P.S ITS excellent server for donators if a wish to donate on a server, L2osiris is very good. P.S not very good english :( i m so sorry:(
  10. Koita egw pou ebala ston Bartz(white eagle) l2Walker 1.99v douleue mia xara. Sto forum exei auti tin ekdosi spasmeni bres tin kai peta olla eukola einai arki na 3ereis na to steineis
  11. UcoZ can host your site for free but they dont support MySQL and PHP
  12. An Forouse kai rouxa giatrou tha htan telios oti prepei gia to nosokomeio. Pantos kalo einai to Thermometro.:P P.S auto einai to great sword???eida ton kodiko kai elege great sword kai eipa na rwtiso gia na mathw an einai ontw to olpo pou lew apla allazontas to skin. P.S2 Se auto to section " MaxCheaters.com > Lineage II Development English-Greek Section > [share] Lineage II Client Mods " Milame mono agglika i oti theloume giati einai to mono section pou den xwrizetai se english greek section.An nai peite na ta metafraso kai sta agglika. 0 1 1 1 7 10 0 LineageWeapons.great_sword_m00_wp term.term icon.weapon_great_sword_i00 -1 1930 8 1 0 7 1 1 LineageWeapons.great_sword_m00_wp 1 term.term 4 ItemSound.sword_great_7 ItemSound.sword_great_4 ItemSound.sword_big_9 ItemSound.public_sword_shing_8 ItemSound.itemdrop_sword ItemSound.itemequip_sword 10 213 91 1 3 8 0 0 0 0 325 0 1 1 1000 0 -1 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 LineageWeapons.rangesample 1.900000 1.100000 1.100000 11.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0 -1 -1 -1 icon.weapon_great_sword_i01
  13. Na sou pw, exei merika guide gia to pws na sikoseis server online paxe ligo tha breis sto egkiomai alla gia na ton sikoneis san kanoniko server sto internet theleis kalo upologisti alliws gia plaka me 3-4 filous sou gia 2-3 wres. Gia na se boithisw meso tou teamviewer ligo kairo to 3erw auto to programma. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=37.0 Se auto to board tha breis ta panta pou zitas apo c5 mexri hellbound exei apo oti prosexa.
  14. Nice man, i ll try it on a PVP hellbound server to look if it works perfect.I had only version 1.78 cracked and now 1.78 and 1.99 thank you very much! Nice share!!!
  15. All private servers is illegal, edits , customs but NCsoft leave to continue all this free servers because they advertise the official servers like this example: 1:Someone who plays for first time the l2 its more easier to play at the begging on a free server and after 2-3 months when he knows to play l2 he ll stop playings on free server and he continue on official servers. 2:If someone must try to learn on 2 games like WoW and L2 witch is the better without playing is 100% to say "WoW look l2 their are too many servers it must more better game than WoW i ll have a try on this game."
  16. This version l2.phx is the 3.18v or 3.20v and this is a virus or not?(i know some program like l2.phx is a virus but not harmful for my computer) Its better to know before use it.
  17. Uparxei trpos na psareuei me dyo atoma o enas na psareuei kai o allos na exei protect ton allon. Dhladh me to pou bgenei mob kai flagarei to walker pou psareuei aplos o allos to skotonei kai etsi exeis kai exp kai pof. :P:P:P:P:P
  18. egw pisteuw oti o overlord einai o kaluteros giati exei full buffs mesa stin olimpiada dhladh den niwthei kai den ton pianei eukola stun / silance akoma einai kai san fighter den niwthei dmg exei upilo mental sth ara poli m.def kai to kalitero life drain kai se periptosi pou teliwsei to mp root me oso mp exei mini bgazei baria kai apo konta sfazei!!!
  19. i vote them both bs the one have extras witch the other dont have i mean: xbox better graphics / ps3 more gamrs xbox better online games / ps3 games in blue-ray and much more items!!! P.s i dont have xbox360 or ps3 a have tested both!!!(xbox not 360 owned:P)
  20. Scroll down look at the end of this quote read(not the P.S) P.S soz for this maybe is just a spamm this reply....(i dont like spammers)
  21. Its clever "trick" not too helpful bs if you have 7-8 srv in your computer maybe dont remember which srv contains his own folder for 2-3 srv its good bs you just change a number. I suggest to make a back up the lineage2 all the game and when you change the official folder(system , systemtextures) in a private srv and after many time or you bored this srv and want to play an another srv you just enter delete+shift take a copy of official folder from back up Lineage2 paste it in linage2 after this add the new srv folder in lineage2 press "yes to all" and play the new server.And always keep a folder like this name srvers folder.I write it bs if you have many srv in your pc its diff to remember all like system 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 ,10 (and the good is you will never have prob with your systemtextures) P.s. my suggestion is good for many srvs not for 2 or 3 Soz for my english.
  22. after 3 years i dont think to play lineage 2 or 3 i will do many better thing at the future but for now i play l2 every day!!! But in my opinion it will have extreme grafics and it will be for us to buy expensive computers only for lineage, no no no i will never give money for one game(better to play pacman :P). Let play l2 for now!!! //play
  23. Basher


    kalo auto???? ta spaei??????(psonioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo):P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P [Hidden Content]
  24. This is better to vote my favor srv or stefoulis15 guide??? and something else is this safe ??i mean Hopzone can caught you for double vote??? Edited: nice share stefoulis15 !!! :P:P:P:P
  25. Nice share man !!! You are really good!!! And something else. I ll register to your site to have a look in game server how good is bs the site is very very very good!!!
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