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Everything posted by simosis

  1. paidia 8elo to ingame gia Dragon network . 8elo na me help giati alaksa windows
  2. so it has virus or no. To use it or no?
  3. Geia se olous Alaksa leitourgiko , xreiazomai ingame gia dragon network . fisika oxi ios. ean exete kai ta script gia hb q eimai 8eos
  4. exei gia hb quests?
  5. kalo alla giati oxi walker !!!! exei tsekaristei gia ious >?
  6. Episis ta link einai dead
  7. tsekarate gia ious ?
  8. is it virus free????????
  9. hello i am from greece and i have greek windows seven when the programs start it doesn;t support the greek language and it shows my all the words as ????????????????????? any help for this ?
  10. Prepei ontos gia ginei kati gia ton Abyss exo 10 account me 3rc class kai den mporo na botaro poia . Ase pou exoun skistei ekei mesa oi Donators kai ta opla den anebainoun me tpt. Otan eixa spasei 4 som sinexomena gia +5 tote to paratisa!!!
  11. I have a question . i have heard that if you lvl down your char also your skill dlvl more than 7 lvls of difference. Also if you make this thing that your are say you will need all the time to dlvl your chars. I play on D-network x30 it is usefull ??
  12. na eisai kala . Eisai analitikotatos !!
  13. the thing is that all poeple opened a conversation out of the topic. I want to know where i can raise a Soul crystal at lvl 11 and who can i achive it without get caught with my Bots .
  14. works at D-Network . Plz someone reply to my post in order not to buy a extra C dagger !!!!!!!!!! I need this skill for Greater reuse of skill invocation in my bot elders
  15. KALOS O FILOS. ean kai to exei kai sto english section
  17. I found all the deferences in the dialoges and i change the worlds but still one dialog is not working and i am trying to find out what is the problem in D-N. Also in the Script of adlers they changed the quest and they send you with different raw in the npcs , So i need to know how i find a the cordinates (x,y,z) in order to make a new path for the quest.
  18. Someone plz update it for Destroyer !!! because it is more efficient with a pole. a spoiler also is needed!!! and probably a Shillent elder
  19. but can this be used on Bake ice servers?
  20. ok if it is working on official it is ok but explain plz what changes should we do ?? i am working it these days and i don't know how can i change the path of the road that he is running ? i saw how can i change the dialogs but i found out that the main problem in my server is that i dont know how can i use stealth again and again . Also all botter on D-N dont help me to fix this script They are all pathetic :(,
  21. Yes . This User must be banned from Forum!!!!!!!! asap
  22. all you guys say Thnx,but the script are not working in my server Dragon-network and i doubt that work anywhere because there many errors in the scripts. doesn;t restart and stucks on walls
  23. File auta ta bot pezoun sto Dragon network ???
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