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Everything posted by Accountant

  1. nice to hear this dude..i can see even greater potential if you keep up wih same work effort.
  2. nice updates keep up great work dude,waiting for more.
  3. In my Opinion it's H5 for private servers,followed by Interlude,but in order to get good amoun you'll need to do great things for your servers.
  4. Use bump button man..
  5. Lmao
  6. ++funny af.
  7. Use bump button man.
  8. Again? Will probably be closed in the 24Hours like it did before.Bad server overall.
  9. You cannot expect our friends to join on an empty server.Why don't you advertise it before you open?..I cannot understand this
  10. Seems decent.Gl with it man..
  11. Nice so you've created a new chronicle server?
  12. I know how it works,i am just curious if anyone lucky can get over 89k :P
  13. If it's a competitive game for everyone then it's fine.That will be good,but even if you add payment methods,just don't make too op for those who got bucks.Make the game unique and competitive for all.
  14. 99,8% you'll be that corrupted friend o his :not bad:
  15. gl to your server man.Sad part will be prob full of ru,create an english patch
  16. ++ .Savage
  17. Man really gl to your game,but every mmo game is p2w,many people don't even join when they see that money wins (get super ittems fast etc.) when normal ppl have to wait and do missions all time etc.
  18. I like this max enchant,i can have item equip +++89k?I also like the old elite.
  19. lol moneyhunter with the great offers :1437kappa:
  20. So you want all countries botting? :troll: Btw don't reply 3 times,just multiquote and reply
  21. come on dude, 9 windows= full pt,botter gonna have eazy start :D
  22. Add a limit man,we don't need full pts afk and farming and pvping
  23. Nice code mate.Keep up great work.
  24. haha.true dat.
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