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About redpower

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  1. Line 758 (File "D:\...\Launcher.exe") Error: Object referenced outside a "With" statement.'
  2. What the fuck is wrong with this server, i couldn't reach Character select screen, it's stuck at Realm select screen and when you click GvE nothing happens. I tried with 3 accounts one of them registered at the web site even tho it's auto create account dafuqq ? :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :y u no?:
  3. Hey there , im using l2 tower since 1 week and half and its excellent id say but i got just 1 issue.The problem is that when i set my bot and some1 hit me my bot flags that's cuz im farming just 1 mob by using path points and when there is no mob to target the char gets auto target when got hited, i wonder if there is some hotfix for that. Thank you in advance :) P.S: Also the bot slowers when i minimize the client or just go to youtube or etc. (slower targeting mobs, big delay between skills use almost impossible for a Mage char to bot) Thanks once again and im awaiting for some serious response. Problem solved !
  4. You need to remind my posts from DBSK's account , you fuckface.
  5. Ye thanks , thanks wtf u fucked up messed washed brains. Cant realize that this guide not worth. If the maker want me 1v1 (random server) with my own build and this shited up guide , im ok with it.
  6. Oh , cool. I will be waiting for it ))
  7. Ignoring the topic about L2 Pride just coz you cant crack it ? or what ? just reply u gona crack or u will keep ignoring it ?
  8. Ye but if it was some of the highest member u could do it on the moment.You just ignore the newbies , dont look at me like that coz im old member here just new acc. P.S: This would be good experience for you to challenge by-passing this server's protection , i guess they added some "OP" protection since the guide with tcptunnel + wpf and proxy doesnt work anymore. Personally i do not think that u will success by-пассинг ит.
  9. I think that Paul the great one doesnt care about this topic anymore. So Cry about.
  10. L2pride http://www.megaupload.com/?d=0V2SLYOX (ini file) gracia final www.l2pride.net/forums/index.php accs are auto created. use MeDaKilla1234|12345678 RECRACK , i guess new protect , Verify fail , if u can make IG.
  11. useless , every one knows it lul >.>
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