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About Jexon

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Hi everyone! Recently I wanted to find a good tutorial about L2Walker but I could not find a good one. So I decided to make my own one by using what I've found on the internet. >> Click << to Read & Download. Enjoy your botting! :)
  2. Images are broken. Even if they are not need for changing screen, better to remove them completely from guide or update them. So users wont get confussed :)
  3. Link doesn't work anymore. Can you please share this version of bot again?
  4. Same problem. Anybody found the way how to fix it?
  5. "ERROR 404 - PAGE NOT FOUND" Can you, please, share this bot again? Thanks.
  6. It's very impressive for me, I wish I can do anything like that! I just started to learn how to make an own lobby screen. I would be happy if you give a hint, where I can find a list of files which client of l2 uses during login (lobby) screen? Is that l2font file contains this logo texture, right? I have exactly the same issue. Do you have any idea where is character selection files located?
  7. Thanks! May be also you know where I can download this chronicles?
  8. Im sorry of off-topic, but somebody can tell me where I can find the file list which says to L2 Client which files to use on the loading screen? I really want to make my own lobby screen but I don't know what to start from...
  9. Guys, who can tell me which chronicles of L2 contains this loading screen?
  10. "File was deleted from server." Can you, please, share this file again?
  11. As far as I know, the mini logo file contains inside the l2font-e.utx file. At least you can view it with the umodel or L2tool But I can't understand how to edit .unr files. Can somebody give a hint?
  12. I double this question. I want to change original login screen High Five by this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9ErZxsFRBY Also, please, give me a hint if somebody knows which file responsible for file list, which client l2 using during login screen.
  13. Is there no option for it in xdateditor? Did you tried previous version?
  14. Does it works with your new client of the game? Because I have client version from ru official server, and its doesnt work. Crashes. I can't understand, what I doing wrong?
  15. Btw, talking about breaking vortex. Anybody have a full list of files which need to keep without replacing? To avoid bugs. As for me, I downloaded files from another source and now textures in the Rune at temple is a half-blocking my way. :o
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