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Everything posted by ˚کe®κ

  1. [gr]oso gia auto "bori o kaliteros pextis tou kosmou" kanto edit gt oute o messi oute o cr9 dn pianoun akoma tn El Fenomenon [gr]
  2. first of all you could include setekh and blane to the list java and php are developing Languages too. The all topic is kinda uselless you cant compare developers from differents languages ,stealth is good in net ,dh in c++ and going...
  3. add this in clientpackets.TradeRequest.java if(player.isGM()) { player.sendMessage("You cant Trade Item") player.sendPacket(ActionFailed.STATIC_PACKET); return; }
  4. One preview of my ultimate tool i have made it in perl it pwns all l2j server from c1 to epilogue here is one video ffrom l2j free last rev the real attack speed cant be captured by video. this script is not for sell or trade
  5. credits to cobra and is allready shared by him. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=51560.0
  6. about serk's story regural member until maxtor fixed the bug with hidden posts-vip member-uploader-banned uploader-unbanned regular member-vip member-banned vip-unbanned vip
  7. what is the different windows/linux is like you say you cant use l2phx in linux java servers loled my attacker send ingame packets
  8. video added from attack before some minutes server is still stucked
  9. is very old and dead if you want new version you can buy it by pm me
  10. i like it thaks GodPower™
  11. plz read the topic title [share]100% FUD Scan/Runtime Crypter ,stop type useless/scam post and is hard to find free 100% crypter
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