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Everything posted by barnaba

  1. [Hidden Content]
  2. Ok. Perfect :) Tnx for the answer. For me... /lock
  3. Toi13, MOS, LOA, FoG lower level, Varka Silenos FTW!
  4. Good day, my little idea. By the use of L2Utilities, I've edited the npcname file (I play in a L2OFF server interlude) for one reason: I've found that there are 3 kind of Tyrannosaurus on PI. I've make the name of each one by a progessive number (Tyrannosaurus1,2 and 3). Only this 'cause I just want to know which one can drop Life stone top grade. If I'm right, on PI area there are 4 Tyrannosaurus and only one of these can drop LS. But which one? I hope this method can help me. Anyone know something usefull?
  5. Tnx for the share :) My questions: 1) Can work on Interlude OFF Server? 2) If it work, can work with any kind of argument (Active, passive, chance skill)?
  6. The first doesn't work anymore in the most or server. However, you need 2 char: one that make a private store buy and his pet, the second that buy... or something like that. When you set the store-buy, you choose the price of the thing that you wanna buy, and you take all your adena into the pet's inventory. With the second char (by yourself, or by scam) you can sell at your buy store what you want, and your adena doesn't decrease 'cause are all on your pet. Can work, maybe... The second one is too complicated to explain for me! But you can use search...
  7. +1 :) Anyway, there's nothing that can help about. Like in an other post I've readed, or something like that "...if you wanna enchant something safely, you must make the safe into the server... by client you can't do a lot..." Those are only attepts of enchants, that can allow you an succesfull enchant only if you can do the exactly thing of "enchant the weapon/put it into whare" at the same time. But the packets are random... in this way I've heard that many many ppl had asuccesfully enchanted them items. I'm playing in a low server X10 where is impossible use L2Phx like programs... and, bypassing GG, you can do nothing... only use IG walker :) I've tried by client, by sending packets, by script but nothing. Better... is possible that my server haven't lots of bug. For me, the better way to exploit this bug of the whare enchant is do in the same time the thing... (same time with accuracy of ms of course). I advice you if I find something new. Ty for your share :)
  8. ... I want to prove that later. However this exploit is a little old. On some server can work, in other not. The differences? 1) Try with a test account, if you're able to bypass GG and use L2Phx 2) If your test account will not be banned, is possible do that manually/by a macro editor/by that script. 3)In some private server, in the enchant phase, there's a time-bar for the enchant. In other servers not. Where the time-bar for the enchant is allowed, is more simple do this thing manually by clean client. 4) I dunno why this script can work on Kamael if the packets are differents... 5) Good luck guys. Post every discover about that. I know that in some server, if you try to do this manually by client... you can't enchant your weapon/item but you DUPE your item. I'll update this post later if I find something new. Stay tuned :)
  9. Really nice! One (or more?) year of silence and the project return on. Good share. Ty :)
  10. ... emh. Have you tried with another account (a test account) that you have registred to the server? I hope for you that isn't an IP ban... It's only an idea...
  11. I've the same problem. Which is the IP that I must put in the host file?
  12. I'm play in a low server X10. Magnus chant + dynasty sword+15 + full buffs + Dye that take my SR to 52 of INT --> 12K of M.Atk (agumentation not good, give me only 5 points of M.Atk). With clan skill? 13K? Dunno... however depends on which server you play :)
  13. Only 5% like other Normal Raid Boss? :( However, Is there on web a link of % of success in levelling up soul crystal for Interlude? I've found nothing about that. Only the Mobs that can level up, nothing more. Tnx for every answer :)
  14. ...sorry for the question, but what is % of level success on a Tyrannosaurus? Every Tyro can lvl-up a cry or only one in the entire island?
  15. ...another Kind of sniffer...
  16. Perfect! Ty a lot :) Bye :)
  17. Good day, I've tried to find on the web the exactly % stats of boss jewely, but I haven't found something usefull. For explain, a description that don't tell me "Antharas earring: vampiric rage" and "Zaken earing: vampiric rage", but that tell me the exactly %; for example I know that zaken earing have vampiric rage 4% and antharas earing 6%. I dunno if you can understand what I'm searching for. I'd found a link of a web site, but I've lost the link XD For interlude servers... Ty for every answer :)
  18. What do you use for sent this packet? Hlapex? L2Phx? Don't use Hlapex, use L2phx... and you must choose wich version following the version of chronicle that you're playing. Find by "search" the version 3.1.6 or 3.1.8 for C4...
  19. mmh... really strange. But, many many month ago, I'd a similiar error. I don't know why, but after an update at the last definition files of DirectX, the crash didn't happened anymore. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2da43d38-db71-4c1b-bc6a-9b6652cd92a3&displaylang=it Try it, and tell us if, later, works :)
  20. Perfect, I understand. Tnx again for your answer. For me... lock the topic :) /lock
  21. ...I suppose that you must unrar the file into the "system" folder of Lineage2. Isn't it? For Avast is safe ;)
  22. And a section about the games of GPpotato? :)
  23. Well... then, depend on which server you play. In some server are Blessed scroll like, in other work like a normal enchant scroll but with a lesser % of enchant. Isn't it? I understand well? And, about that... in retrail? In OFF servers how does it works?
  24. ... whatever you're doing, remember that I'm the best :P
  25. Good day, I've see that exist some kind of enchant called "Crystal Enchant: D,C,B,A,S grade". What does it do? And, is a thing implemented on C6 or in Kamael? Ty for any answer :)
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