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Everything posted by barnaba

  1. Mmh. Depends which server you play: in server where Walker is allowed and you can buff your self, you can easily go to raids (better if undead with holy weapon+dance of light buffs) with a frenzy party. In other you must choose goods Real Players that can assist you during the raid fight. Bishops can be usefull. Rechargers if you have some Mage DD. Choose by your self how you can fight ;)
  2. Dunno. I had tried the same in a L2OFF server but nothing. I think that your client can send packet if is possible send it. If isn't possible, there's some protection on mount. Have you tried to bypass GG?
  3. well im the best i think,all the others up of me they just copy me...
  4. I dunno why, but on the server where I play (interlude - L2OFF) the version 3.1.8 doesn't see packet and doesn't sent packet. With the new version (3.2.0) I can see the packet. Try it. Try the new version. I can use it without any kind of GG bypass, for now. Maybe, one day... the gm's will patch this I think.
  5. are you sure? L2phx don't see L2.exe? Have you try with other version of L2phx like the last one (3.2.0) or the older one (3.1.9)?
  6. Doesn't work on L2World. However Ty for the share :)
  7. ... yeah. Is possible by walker only know wich chest can be open, and wich not. But the %drop in high the lower lvl of chest you try to open. I know that there's a method to modify the npc names of the object by client, but I dunno where you can download this file. Try to search on forum...
  8. 1) Ty for the share, but not everyone know your languages XD 2) Fixed on Refused, Dragon and, I think, L2World 3) Post/move it in the Greek Section :)
  9. ... or search on this forum "GG bypass". There's a lots of topic about, for bypass GG on C5,C6 and Kamael servers ;)
  10. mmh... about that, in PI there's 4 Tyrannosaurus. Only 1 of this can drop agument stones/ lvl up soul crystal. Anyone know if is possible know who of them can do that?
  11. About that, there's lots of youtube videos, but this is an old bug fixed in the most of servers. All I know: the door of zaken can be opened from 0.00 to 0.15 time on-game; buff your self with holy weapon + dance of light; use a destroyer lvl 61 and a dagger pg and, if possible, take a bishop with you; be careful 'cause Zaken's hits have a little possibility to teleport you in a random lvl of his boat. ;) PS: about the last thing, if possible take a WC and use his gate chant for re-port you on the right place... Ps2: take zaken out from his hall. When is out, let him follow you in a safe place (take a tyrant in rabbit totem + DEX dye + Light Armor) in pirate island. Then die by his hits, is indifferent. Respawn in town, take a gate port by someone in the place where you have leave Zaken and w8 the in-game daylight. When in daylight, zaken is more weaken and regenerate him-self more slowly / drain you more slowly.
  12. Some helps: 1) Find what kind of protection have your server 2) Bypass this protection 3) Don't use Hlapex, 'cause is dead 4) Create a test account that you can use for your works 5) Use search for everything that you want to know about L2phx. 6) Eventually, if you find a misundestandable page on web, use google for traduce it. This is all what I can say to you. This is the way, walk though that. :)
  13. Ty :) I'm learning to use L2phx. I'll just wanna try it. This is my experiment...
  14. Good day ppl :) I hope to give an hand by my little experiments. See you here :)
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