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Everything posted by tyrkysovej

  1. If people shared their stuff more willingly (this has to be L2 disease I think becuase I have not encountered this need to keep try to sell everything in 13 years old game), there would not be THAT many of crappy servers/stuff out there. And as I am a working person, the amount of money I would have made from this would be really negligible.
  2. This can be caused by sooooo many things... 1) Check if you installed the ASP.NET runtime (maybe the correct version was this one: https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/1/95198156-644E-4CCE-8DA1-C41F7658510C/dotnet-win-x64.1.1.1.exe I dont really remember) 2) Go through https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38624453/asp-net-core-1-0-on-iis-error-502-5 3) If that does not help, do: C:\fullpath\dotnet.exe C:\fullpath\L2ACP.dll dotnet.exe location is somewhere within MS dev directories within program files That should give you (me) a more detailed problem
  3. Here it is: https://mega.nz/#!cGxRXahb!6YnB7PjP2uQkcxcv9mK-caRij8_jND8rIxTN9vGq4Hk Also you will need to configure IIS and install ASP.NET runtime - https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/3/2/C32D45DC-6057-4E09-8FE2-25416934BDBB/DotNetCore.1.0.5_1.1.2-WindowsHosting.exe But it shouldn't be a problem
  4. Thanks, any arbitrary item can be added there - can be hair accessories, can be ingame coin currency, can be items for 2nd class transfers etc. Let me know if you run into any issues I don't know about, I will support it for some days / weeks. Edit: Compiled files of web app or l2 server ?
  5. Hi, I made an extension for this L2ACP so it can work on L2OFF servers: I created a pull request to your repo (the change is non-instrusive, if it is switched off in config, it will stay with its original functionality), feel free to test it that I did not harm anything on Java side (I do not have L2J server).
  6. Hi all, I made an extension to @Elfocrash's L2ACP for L2J servers so that it can work with L2OFF servers too. All the core features are there, some minor ones are missing. For the feature list check eflocrash's topic share, I would just copy & paste it here anyway: GIthub repository of my fork with the L2OFF functionality implemented: https://github.com/pjasicek/L2ACP-Web Video of how it works on L2OFF server: Configuration steps are described on the github page's README. If you want to use this, please get familiar with using and deploying ASP.NET applications. If you encounter any issues, feel free to write them down or open an issue on github. Enjoy.
  7. Thanks for you shares and insights !
  8. Thanks a lot, really appreciate it ! I have no problem fixing / plugging any exploits, but the prerequisite for that is knowing which exploits are actually present and ideally how they are triggered. The packet-related stuff should be easily tested by using some packet "program", like l2phx (or is something else better suited for it ?), right ?
  9. I think that if he wants to get to know official skill / etc. formulas, going with L2J is kinda worthless. If he really only wants to get to know how the formulas or skills are handled within the core server, it is just a matter of putting debug logs in the right places.
  10. Hi, I can recommend this IL L2Off extender share: It is I think the latest version of Vangath's sources of his extender. With that and enclosed datapack (on page 3 in that topic) you should have everything you need. You will need to make some changes to the source code to make it running. If you come across any issues, feel free to contact me on my skype: tyrkysovej
  11. Hi, you might try modifying @Elfocrash's L2ACP: But there are a few caveats: 1) It is made in ASP.NET 2) It is made to work directly with L2J server On the other hand it is really well written and it has more than the basic required functionality (detailed in Elfocrash's topic). I am currently modifying it to work with L2OFF - the main difference is that with L2OFF server you have to directly work with the server's database, instead of web's communication with L2J gameserver through REST API.
  12. Very informative, thank you ! Looking forward to next series.
  13. Alright, it works perfectly when compiled with VS 2005, thanks. @agnitium @Fotislol @Pulentolento Would you please care to elaborate what causes the crashes / what are the possible exploits so I might fix / prevent them ? Thank you :)
  14. Heh, okay :D are you sure though that 2005 and not 2008 ?
  15. Thanks for reply. The problem is most likely on my side since I compiled it using VS 2013 and its respective toolchain. I compared the official class sizes with expected sizes and of course they are different. When I compile it with VS 2008 toolchain (or do I need 2005 ?) I will post the result here.
  16. Did anyone manage to make this work with the Datapack @Pulentolento shared ? I stumbled upon 3 issues: 1) L2Server.exe crashed when loading Script/SkillEnchantData.txt, so I just temporarily emptied it, it throws error then that it failed to parse the file (obviously) but continues to load, so OK 2) L2Server.exe crashes when L2Npc.exe is loading ~3800th NPC (L2Server.exe generates no crash logfile) 3) L2Server.exe crashes when loading a character into the world (L2Server.exe generates no crash logfile) If anyone made this work with the source code, could he please share his exact datapack or perhaps tell me what I might be doing wrong / what to do differently ? Thanks a lot.
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