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About 7Arn

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  1. Man it's simple, just find good designer show him this website and he make you similar but uniqe for your srv, for designer with experience this is not difficult Ofc it will cost...
  2. I think they start aCis, but later they change to Lucera, but as you say, I may be wrong too, no matter what the package is, they make a lot of work to improve this pack, and we can say what we want but if you have a playable Java source server for years then this may not be a coincidence, it proves only one thing, no matter what files you have but what knowledge you have, no matter L2OFF or L2J.
  3. In my opinion, if you have knowledge and time take aCis if not then take Lucera but you don't have source.
  4. First of all, what chronicle? Otherwise if you use "search" option i think you find all what you need
  5. This forum have "search" option, just type "best interlude pack" and you can start read...
  6. Yes, but you don't have access to the source code.
  7. L2j = aCis or Lucera, L2Off = Vanganth Extender or AdvExtender
  8. L2OFF = Windows , L2J = Linux
  9. Yea, Deazer (lucera dev) i think he can implement things what you need in your pack but when he finish support or etc. you have nothing, that's why in my opinion better way is go aCis, or buy and decompile lucera :)
  10. Lucera, nice pack but you don't have access to source, keep that in mind :)
  11. Like in topic. Pm with price and features.
  12. You expect they start share it for free xd? I think they want make OP interface for IT and make money on it, simple. Like we can see on the example Neophron, Adrenaline bot etc. etc. people will buy that stuff, and ofc. play w/o bots, interface is more interesting like old times but now is 2019 and if you want be competitive, win epics MassPVP etc. you must use it bcs. all top pack use this shit :) Nothing changes the fact that they put a lot of work into this interface and it would be funny if they started share it for free :)
  13. Big job, and ofc I am interested buying this interface when it's possible :) GL
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