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Everything posted by Neptunus

  1. Light Vortex and Silence :)
  2. Paladin ofc!
  3. Gia mena i kaliteri se omorfia stoli einai i Epic.
  4. Ego pisteuo oti enas kalos pvp server prepei na se pigenei katef8ian full level kai na exeis kai adena gia na perneis items. Episis na pigenoun eukola ++. Auta xD.
  5. Sh ftw! Se kapoious servers einai kaliteroi apo sps. Oi sps peftoun eukola.
  6. dark elven dagger
  7. C3 is the best chronicle for me.
  8. I vote c3, for me is the best chronicle!
  9. ~ToPic UnLocKeD~ NEW LINK IS READY, Link is:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JEB7LWE6 ~ToPic LocKeD~
  10. Exei 3anaginei post alla se auto anoigeis ton webserver me alli port gia osous exoun ote i kapoia alli eteria kai den anoigei i port 80, gia na tin anoi3eis prepei na epikinoniseis me ton ISP sou, Edo to paidi exei balei alli port eno sto allo post pou iparxei einai me port 80. Opote exei diafora.
  11. Al0n3, KD4EVER, BipBip
  12. Ok tote ~ToPic loCked~
  13. koita3e mia sto run>cmd kai grapse ipconfig kai des se esena einai Giati den einai se ola ta router idia kai ego Conn-X exo alla exo allo, na emena einai
  14. Nice share ^_^, I will test it later. ;D
  15. E3igise to kalitera, an 8es na hostareis to l2 se eteria iparxoun para poles opos: http://www.i3d.net/ http://www.vrtservers.net/ http://iweb.com/dedicated/server-deal?gclid=CJeS5LOM5pgCFYR_3godDUBocA http://www.server4you.com/us/index.php?ref=0501GO http://www.fastservers.net/ http://www.hostsun.com/gr/dedicated_gr.php.
  16. Hi I Created one Hellbound PHP website. I found this site only Index.htm and I made this site full PHP. Sorry for my bad English. Images: http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/4862/69407227.jpg[/img] Full diskw: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JEB7LWE6 You must change your settings. ^_^
  17. Omg gia na mporei na mpei o friend sou den prepei na baleis tin lan ip sou, Auti tin ip bale edo pou exei stin selida. I mporeis na baleis kai to no-ip sou gia na min allazeis sinexia tin ip apo to l2.ini arxeio gia to system. www.whatismyip.com, bale auti tin ip sto l2.ini kai sta game kai login configs tou server sou kai 8a mporei na mpei. Me auti tin ip mono esi 8a mporeseis na mpeis. Ektos an exeis ton server se kapoio net kai ton 8es gia lan. EDIT Epidi tora eida pio pano pou sou eipan na baleis to no-ip sou kai tous eipes oti den mporeis na mpeis esi, akou, bale mia to no-ip sou kai dose to sto filo sou kai meta kane to pali edit kai bale tin gia na mporeis na mpeis esi kai etoimos, 8a mporeite na mpeite kai oi dio.
  18. Weapons glow! Colours: +4-+20, +25-+40. http://rapidshare.com/files/183908698/env.int.html
  19. Hi, this guide how to make hero weapons have glow! Sorry for my bad English [move]Added guide for Interlude[/move] [move]Added Video[/move] -=GUIDE for HELLBOUND=- First Step: Open L2FileEdit, Next select Throne and then Hellbound. Second Step: Click from menu "Open and Decrypt", find System folder, open weapongrp.dat file. http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9167/98727388gt3.jpg[/img] Now we must find ID 6611-6621 but ID: 9388, 9389, 9390 (These ID are for Kamael Class HERO weapons.) http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6492/50776138fu6.jpg[/img]. Third Step: Now find : "icon.weapon_the_sword_of_hero_i00" a place right there is one number, number is 1, change it to -1, Change this number of all hero weapons. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7140/97989101co6.jpg[/img] Fourth Step: Find: "LineageEffect.e_u092_(this number is not the same of all hero.) Two positions left there is one number. Number is 1, change it to -1, Change this number of all hero weapons. http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2479/69294902fh4.jpg[/img] Fifth Step: Now you are ready, click "Save and Encrypt" and select your system folder and click Save. You will se a window, select 413 and click Ok. Wait 5-10 seconds because save the file and enjoy your hero weapons! If you have any problem reply! http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9926/72387771pw0.jpg[/img] -=GUIDE for INTERLUDE=- First Step: Open L2FileEdit, Next select Chronicle and then C6 (Interlude). http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/6400/35078422mc5.jpg[/img] Second Step: Click from menu "Open and Decrypt", find System folder, open weapongrp.dat file. http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/9167/98727388gt3.jpg[/img] Now we must find ID 6611-6621. http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/6492/50776138fu6.jpg[/img]. Third Step: Now find : "icon.weapon_the_sword_of_hero_i00" a place right there is one number, number is 1, change it to -1, Change this number of all hero weapons. http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/7140/97989101co6.jpg[/img] Fourth Step: Find: "LineageEffect.e_u092_(this number is not the same of all hero.) Two positions left there is one number. Number is 1, change it to -1, Change this number of all hero weapons. http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2479/69294902fh4.jpg[/img] Fifth Step: Now you are ready, click "Save and Encrypt" and select your system folder and click Save. You will se a window, select 413 and click Ok. Wait 5-10 seconds because save the file and enjoy your hero weapons! http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9926/72387771pw0.jpg[/img] If you have any problem reply! There is a photo if you want to see hero weapons with glow! http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/2644/allherobe4.png[/img] L2 FILE EDITS: C3-C4http//rapidshare.com/files/134224509/l2file_edit_c3_c4_l2asm-disasm-l2encdec_included_Collection_by_ExTaCy1337.rar C5-INTERLUDEhttp://rapidshare.com/files/134224806/L2FileEdit_C5-Interlude_Collection_by_ExTaCy1337.rar KAMAEL-HELLBOUNDhttp://rapidshare.com/files/134224727/L2_FileEdit_Kamael-Hellbound_Collection_by_ExTaCy1337.rar CREDITS To for L2 file edits: DJ_ExTaCy1337 Video http://rapidshare.com/files/195482563/HeroGlow0001.rar.html Guide by Me ;) Sorry for my bad English
  20. kostantinosdiam@hotmail.com
  21. 14 ;D
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