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Everything posted by Futzi

  1. 1-7 off the gremlins 7-13 oblisk of victory 13-20 Northen Coat 20-30 outside dion 30-40 ousite cruma tower 40-55 dragon valley 55-65 dragon valley cave 65-70 outisede goddard 70-76 monstery of silence 76-80 lost nest.. Good Luck!!
  2. yes copy and paste but i help some palyer!!
  3. eleos re ksethabete palia topic's ....i gnwmh mou gia to noobwars einai pws o server einai xazomara...(eipa apla tin gnwmh mou)
  4. lol prwth fora to akouw 7k atk.spd i o gm/admin tou edose kana buff (gmspeed) kati tetoio allios dn kserw...
  5. http://flashgame.plaync.jp/dwarfcomplete.jsp KALH DIASKEDASH!!!
  6. i think goddard and aden....or giran why in this 3 town at the low rate server ...TheGame C3 x35 the people pu their privete sores there....but favorite are...-=Goddarad=-
  7. oxi eklise stis 15/02/08 x9000 htan..
  8. eleos exw einai o official x1 ta kaneis ola monos s kai apo pawn plironis....25 euro kathe mhna apoti kserw....kai merika atoma einai 80 lvl ekei kai 100% eleos.... {ayth einai i apopsi m}
  9. kalo........alla...epikindino...na min xaseis olo to char sou gia kati points!!
  10. lol trelw einai ayto hehehe alla kalh prospatheia oso na nai voithas kapoia atoma!!!
  11. eleos re filaraki les olo ayto kai to zitas mesa ste topic alounou kane ena diko s topic kai grapsta!!!!MxC rUl3z
  12. ok thanks paidia kaliptika pliros.....kapoios as lock ayto to topic kai paly tnx!!
  13. gerero isixase ligo re amesos (nooboserver) esy ton lew etc alla akreta atoma pou pezoun mafia kai einai members edw einai san na tous les {eiste vlakes gt pezete se nooboserver} oxi oti eipes kati tetoio apla etc fenete prosexe ligo re!!!
  14. hehehe...nice tip prwth fora to akouw tha to dokimasw!!!
  15. Adventurer 4 ever with backstab +9 or +10 !!!!
  16. Player vs. Player Combat: Overview Life in the world of Lineage II can be a dangerous and exciting experience. Although towns and villages are safe havens, the vast wilderness of Aden can transform into a battlefield at any moment. With skirmishes with random bandits, violent territorial disputes, and all out clan and alliance wars, there is always a chance that a regular day will turn into rigorous Player vs. Player (PvP) experience. The only law in this chaotic landscape is the rule of Karma. Two players that are fighting with one another will both be marked as aggressive, at which point only regular death penalties will apply. However, if someone kills another that is not aggressive, they will gain Karma and become chaotic, marked in red to everyone that can see their name. Chaotic players can be attacked or killed without penalty. If a chaotic player has killed more than five innocents, there is a chance they will drop some of their hard-earned equipment upon death. Despite the penalties, there may be times when gaining Karma is the only option, especially for revenge or to administer frontier justice. In this case, Karma can be removed slowly by killing monsters or by dying at the hand of another player. The first rule in any PvP encounter is to constantly stay in motion, using speed and terrain to the best advantage. Every race and class has a different running speed, and there are certain skills that can increase overall speed as well. Bow users and wizards have the best chance when fighting opponents at a distance, but even melee classes can carry a bow to weaken a target before closing in or to prevent someone from escaping. Some skills can slow an enemy down to make them easier targets, while there are a few spells that completely immobilize an enemy for a short period of time, making them a sitting duck. Using the terrain effectively is also a great tactic, as hiding behind trees or ducking behind corners can disrupt an attack and force an opponent to close in for better line of sight. The second rule is to not hold back, especially in a one-on-one encounter. Running out of magic points is always better than dying! Attack skills and spells always do more damage than regular attacks and often have special effects. Skills that cause damage over time, skills that steal health from an opponent, and other skills that cause exceptional damage at the cost of magic are great for wearing down an opponent. Short breaks in battle can be used to recover health using healing spells. There are also many self buff skills that are vital to victory if used properly, as many of them can be used quickly in battle. Skills that increase the chance to inflict critical damage can turn the tide of battle, while other skills boost health to increase survivability. Other defensive skills can increase armor or evasion significantly, greatly reducing the amount of damage taken throughout the battle. Although a strong offense can lead to victory, proper use of defensive powers is a major advantage. Lastly, when all else fails, remember that friends, allies, and clan mates are the best weapon and resource for waging war and maintaining peace, especially when dealing with multiple opponents. With an understanding of your skills, the opponent, and the terrain, you can turn any battle into a victory. PvP is fast-paced and is often over as quickly as it begins, but a prepared player can often come out on top.
  17. Geia sas paidia epeze kanenas apo esas ston L2 Tympaki?? an nai ti name eixe......to diko m TheMaxPower-Br0 kai DwarfPower P.S EKANA AYTO TO TOPIC GT EXW XATHI ME TA PAIDIA APO TO TYMPAKI KAI THELW NA DO AN EINAI KANENAS MEMBER TOU MaxCheaters!!!!!!
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