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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/tear+up
  2. You're in the wrong section then XD
  3. Is that a chick? haha XD
  4. Who the hell keeps track of 0.5 euros? i lose change every time and i dont report ppl for it haha
  5. that's so wrong.. i read spe-r-m ><
  6. Setekh

    another tard.

    You should have gonna hard core scripting on his ass! with scala #!/bin/sh exec scala "$0" "$@" !# object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[string]) { println("Suck my bean bag!") } } HelloWorld.main(args) Or groovy println "-beep- off" He wouldn't know what hit him XD And looped infinity; even better! I'm really boored...
  7. that's light, seen worse XD HAHA! That's priceless XD Also get this for google chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-plus/cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb It stops everything, even adfly :P
  8. http://motherless.com/ has everything: http://motherless.com/2F36405 my favorite XD I really enjoy torture, inflicted on my gf ofc xD
  9. Your topic is getting junked simply cause you dont respect the titling and endorsing rules of a server, think i junked ur topic too. We are allowed to junk any topic with out warning that dose not fulfill the section rules. Locked
  10. It's a gr8 example of 4 useless people, they didn't stop SOPA we did. And if you ask me SOPA was inconsistent and just a spoof, smoke & mirrors. The government cant control the internet. And about ideology and doing what you love, shit, thats something so obvious it shouldn't even be put into context(again), since its at the core already, we all do what we like and love; that phrase is within' everything we do, like u with l2j and me with game engines. The phrase with the bit and byte was lame to me since instead of them coming up with smth smarter they just corrected a lawyer, like that -beep-ing matters. Their hypocrisy and their arrogance and childish behavior is what annoys me the most, it was way better when i did not know them, i respected them more.
  11. Their this stupid/bad ass ppl that think everything that is extraordinary stupid is somehow magically smart. And their so bad ass that they cant go to jail, and their biggest weapon is correcting lawyers regarding whats a bit and whats a byte. >.> fuck asses, meat for some black dick soon enough. They could of been smarter but they disappointed me so hard, i stopped using pirate bay.
  12. sandpants (epic name) you're making the server more and more popular :P
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